Lost all progress in the game

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  • Pending Customer

Lost All progress in the game, my save is still there and under the first mission I can see the time I originally took to compleate it but all star level has gone and I can not see anything other than the chapter 1, it did this 2nd day of playing but I had only completed chapter 1 as well as 2 by then so was not an issue as i thought it was a random one off bug, now I have completed the Many Me chapter with all subsequent chapters on 5star, i have tried downloading a cloud save but it did the same thing so totally unsure of what's happening on ps5 and I seem to be the only one suffering this bug as I have looked all over to see if anyone else is suffering and there appears no one else is I hope there can be a fix as I love this game.

PlayStation 5
Playstation Store
Gentagelser 2
Game progress lost on some levels and won’t load into certain levels
Avatar DBK

It all started when i started playing Chapter 9. After saving and logging out for the day after playing for around 45min. Went to play the following day and noticed it saying total time played 00:00:00 when I started it the level it completely reset. Blockchain Terminus was completed 5 stars as well and shows the same 00:00:00 runtime. Which is odd because all of the saved room designs I made are still saved. When I try to load into a file it will start to load and shoot me back to the map screen. Not sure where to go from here since I’m on PS5. **it won’t let me add the video of attempting to open the file. 

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Can’t resume stage

When I save the game and come back to it later, resuming does not work. It will go to a loading screen only to have it go back to the stage selector

Dominik Customer Support
  • Accepted

Hey DBK. I am sorry that you have experienced this problem. Our team is aware of this and currently investigating the reason this is happening. I will add your report to the documentation and hopefully, a fix for it will be found soon.

I kindly ask for your patience.



Quote from Dominik

Hey DBK. I am sorry that you have experienced this problem. Our team is aware of this and currently investigating the reason this is happening. I will add your report to the documentation and hopefully, a fix for it will be found soon.

I kindly ask for your patience.



Is there any idea on a fix? It seems like this has been going on for a few weeks.  

Dominik Customer Support

As far as I know, the new update that will be released (no ETA yet) should fix the problem you are experiencing but so far I do not have any update for you. I am really sorry and I appreciate your patience.



marlene gruber
Quote from Dominik

As far as I know, the new update that will be released (no ETA yet) should fix the problem you are experiencing but so far I do not have any update for you. I am really sorry and I appreciate your patience.



Sorry for asking but is this one related to PS5 Bug- Babylo Getaway?
Because that would mean the problem should be fixed with an upcoming patch and i could play Galacticare (hopefully) soon again :)

Kind regards

glenn b

I am also having this problem - I really enjoy the game but twice now I've lost my progress and had to start all over again, right back to the beginning. Hopefully the fix is implemented soon. 

I'm on PC - Windows 11 - build version v1.0.5+5b3ecf97d1

Dominik Customer Support
  • Pending Customer

Hey Glenn, thank you for chipping in! As the problem only occurred on PlayStation 5 previously, could you please provide me with debug files as you are on PC? You can find instructions on how to generate these files HERE. I appreciate your cooperation!

As for the rest of our lovely Galacticare doctors, our team is still investigating the root of the problem. I know it is taking so much time already but I kindly ask for a little more patience.



Nick Dupont
  • Fixed - Upcoming Patch