Chapter 8 not progressing

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  • Pending Customer

Hello there, folks at Brightrock and associates!

I'm currently playing Chapter 8 (One Species' Trash...) and while I've completed all objectives (At least, that I am physically able to), my game refuses to give me any cue on how to progress anymore, and I fear progression has stalled altogether.

The side objective known as "Salvage Mission" never gave me any instructions to follow, instead being essentially an empty tab on the objectives overview. So I figured I may as well keep on the other objectives until something triggered it.

By now, I have completed everything I can, but seeing as no canister-bots or battery-bots appear to be spawning and my only remaining objective is to activate both remaining unavailable sectors of the hospital (for which I lack said battery-bots) I'm currently unable to progress.

Thank you for your time!

Debug files included.

Galacticare Debug Save Tuesday, May 28,

Dominik Customer Support
  • Accepted

Hey Michel! Thank you for reporting a problem with your chapter 8 not progressing as it should. I will forward your report to our team for investigation and will update you as soon as I get any news! 

I appreciate your patience while this is being looked into!



dean angus
  • Accepted
Dominik Customer Support

Hey, thank you so much for your patience! Our team is still investigating the root of the problem but hopefully, the next patch will fix the issue.



Joshua Fox

I'm also stuck on the chapter. I just unlocked all areas after being told the final area was available but no further scripts have followed. 

Dominik Customer Support
  • Pending Customer

Hey Joshua, thank you for following up. Since the initial problem was reported a while ago, could you please provide us with some of the game files needed for investigation? Instructions on how to generate them can be found Here.

It looks like the problem is still occurring even after a few patches.

I am waiting to hear back from you!




I had an issue with this chapter, the story quests were stuck in an early stage, but restarting the game solved it. Weird tho that only this chapter had such issue.