Chapter 8 not progressing
Hello there, folks at Brightrock and associates!
I'm currently playing Chapter 8 (One Species' Trash...) and while I've completed all objectives (At least, that I am physically able to), my game refuses to give me any cue on how to progress anymore, and I fear progression has stalled altogether.
The side objective known as "Salvage Mission" never gave me any instructions to follow, instead being essentially an empty tab on the objectives overview. So I figured I may as well keep on the other objectives until something triggered it.
By now, I have completed everything I can, but seeing as no canister-bots or battery-bots appear to be spawning and my only remaining objective is to activate both remaining unavailable sectors of the hospital (for which I lack said battery-bots) I'm currently unable to progress.
Thank you for your time!
Debug files included.
I had an issue with this chapter, the story quests were stuck in an early stage, but restarting the game solved it. Weird tho that only this chapter had such issue.