Fails to load a savegame on level 7 - Heart Attack
I just played the singleplayer campaign level Heart Attack yesterday and was around 1 hour into the game when I saved it and quit the game.
Today when I tried to load up the level to continue playing I got an error stating "Object reference not set to an instance for an object".
I have collected as much information as I can:
Windows 10 Enterprise x64
2x GTX 970 (running in SLI configuration)
Game build: 1.3.1f5
Included: Crash report, output log and some screenshots.
After the error message when loading the game ( Error when loading game), I'm returned to the main screen which now lack some background graphics. See screenshot: Screenshot
Thanks in advance!
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Hey Dark,
The hellfire poition can only be used in your area of influence (your claimed land + 1 tile around not owned by the enemy)
and only if there is at least one destroyable block in 1 tile range around the drop spot.
When you drop it it will massively damage or destroy blocks in 1 tile range.
Limitted ways to drop it but it is quite powerful.
However to get a rid of potions in your hand, you can always put them back to empty cauldrons in your alchemy lab.
This also works by dropping potions on the cauldron slab in the potion tab, so you not need to pan your view back to the alechemy lab. In this case it will randomly find an empty cauldron to put it back.