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Hi FlyingWizard,

Sorry to hear you've had problems with the game. I've had a quick glance over the log you've included and it looks quite interesting indeed.The report is filled with a number of D3D errors which confirm some level of graphical error. The experience you describe with your monitor sounds like it might have caused a GPU Driver crash and a device reset by the Nvidia software.

Unfortunately our team is extremely busy at the moment and I don't think we'll be able to investigate the save file itself until next week. But in the meantime can you confirm your graphics drivers are fully updated?



We'll have a look into this for the next pass through WFTO issues as part of our regular maintenance passes.

Tagging this for us to look into next pass through WFTO.

Hi Kesperel,

The device specifications you have posted above shows 3GB usable RAM which is below the minimum requirements of War for the Overworld. System Requirements.

This is most certainly the reason you are running out of Memory, in addition you are running a 32-bit version of Windows which is likely the reason for the 3GB cap. I would recommend upgrading your OS to a 64-bit version to make use of the full RAM capacity of your system. 

However I would note that even with the ability to use the full 4GB you would fall below recommended requirements and it is possible in this case you will encounter out of memory errors in busy scenes. 

If you were playing previously on this computer before the reformat it would seem to be the case that you previously had a 64-bit OS installed that allowed this.

Good luck,


Hi Darelius,

Alright I've had a chat with the code team and they're as stumped as I am. The behaviour described doesn't really make sense it sounds like some time between a windows reset the save file is becoming inaccessible or being deleted entirely.

There are a few questions I'd like to ask for our confirmation:

  • Are you playing the game on Steam? This is not a DRM-Free version I.e. GOG?
  • Do you play the game in offline mode or while logged into Steam. WFTO's save games sync to the Steam Cloud so there's one possibility of something happening there but unlikely without it notifying you. And shouldn't trigger on a computer restart rather it always syncs when a game is stopped and started.

With regards to investigating further and assuming you are on Steam can you try the following:

  1. Navigate to WFTOs save folder your Steam User folder (I.e. C:\Program Files\Steam\Userdata\(Your UserID)\230190\remote
  2. Locate the WFTO_Progress file. Right click it and open properties check when it was last modified. (This file saves MPD Progress, Ungergames Progress and Custom Campaign Progress)
  3. Play the game and complete progress for MPD and a Custom Campaign or Undergames Campaign
  4. Check the file's modified date has updated
  5. Copy and Paste the file elsewhere in your PC, multiple places and a different drive minimum ideally. Make sure you leave a copy in the remote folder.
  6. Restart the game and check progress is still present
  7. Restart your PC and check progress. If no longer there, check the modified date on the file again see if it has reverted
  8. Move the copied file back into the remote folder and try again to see if progress is present again.

Let us know how you get on.



Hi Darelius,

Thanks for submitting the info to us. Looks like one of the images you include is repeated? The final two images appear to be identical.

I'll have a chat with the programmer who knows the most about how MPD handles its saving to see where this could possibly be falling down. Unfortunately, he's on vacation until next week so I'll try to get back to you then.



Hello Alan,

We're just wondering if there are any updates on your side regarding this issue after our previous suggestions.

If you're still struggling we'd like to get a few more details from you to see if we can identify an overlap with another user who is experiencing a similar issue.

Can you generate both a DXDiag report and a report of your Tasklist when your computer is running normally. I've included instructions on how to do this below.

How To: Generate a DXDiag Report.

How to: Generate a Tasklist Report

  1. Open command prompt by typing cmd into Windows search. Launch the Command Prompt application
  2. In the command prompt window type "tasklist > tasklist.txt"
  3. In your user folder (Typically C:\Users\*Your Name*, this is displayed at the left side of the Command Prompt application) locate tasklist.txt
  4. Upload in your report



I'm sorry to hear that. As far as I know Steam doesn't typically remove Library and Community files when it is uninstalled, is it possible these files are still present on your PC but not yet linked into your Steam Libraries?

As mentioned previously we've currently not identified the cause of the issue but we know at least one other user is affected. However we don't yet know what connects the two incidents. We'd like to look into this a little further by seeing if there are any obvious connections in your hardware or software setups. Can you generate both a DXDiag report and a report of your Tasklist when your computer is running normally. I've included instructions on how to do this below.

How To: Generate a DXDiag Report.

How to: Generate a Tasklist Report

  1. Open command prompt by typing cmd into Windows search. Launch the Command Prompt application
  2. In the command prompt window type "tasklist > tasklist.txt"
  3. In your user folder (Typically C:\Users\*Your Name*, this is displayed at the left side of the Command Prompt application) locate tasklist.txt
  4. Upload in your report

Great to hear! 



Hi Alan,

Thanks for submitting the log above. As Cian is away today I will respond with a quick suggestion.

From our investigations we have found that this has happened to other Steam users for other games. As you have posited this appears to be an issue with the Steam client itself and not WFTO specifically. Have you tried to completely restart the steam client. I.e:

  1. Exit the application completely
  2. Log out and log in
  3. Restart your PC from a cold boot
  4. If all else fails maybe try reinstalling the Steam client?

Let us know how you get on.

