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I'm not 100% sure this is unintended. As you are aware it is a secret theme after all. I'll try and get an answer before passing this on to our internal tracker.

Hi Yaemhay,

Thank you for your report and I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble with the game. Unfortunately due to lack of information I cannot assist you in this matter. Please read this article (How to: Submit a Bug Ticket) and I will do my best to assist you.

I have merged all your tickets into this one as all suffer from the same lack of information.



Sounds quite bizarre. What's meant to happen is a cutscene is meant to occur to end the level. First things first please include all the details as requested in How to: Submit a Bug Ticket so we have all the basic info we need.

A save file for this game would also be good, then we can see any issues with the script that occurred during your game. With the crashes individual output logs would be good. If it crashed out you might have these in seperate crash dump folders.

After discussing this internally we don't feel it's a problem. It's silly but if players want to waste their temporary workers in there and it's not causing any strange technical hickups we think it's fine to let them.

At this point I'm inclined to say that the AI will be getting an overhaul in a later patch. Until then I suspect this an edge case that just wouldn't be worth the investment in fixing if it's just going to get fixed by that. I'll decline this for now but if it's not fixed when we eventually do the Skirmish AI Overhaul might be worth bringing up again.

Likely just missed in the update but I can confirm this is an issue in the Map Editor, it appears to be exclusive to the Eternal.

I'm not convinced it's a massive issue though.

Repo Steps:

1. Open the Map Editor and place an Eternal for Player 1

2. Delete the Eternal

3. Place an Eternal for another Player (Empire)

4. The Eternal will display as the previously placed colour on the minimap.

Just to note as well, I wasn't able to replicate on our AMD machine even with the new Crimson software. So I don't think it's related to that.

@John Would you be able to take a look at http://brightrockgames.userecho.com/topics/1106-ui-missing/ as well, possibly related?

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