Your comments

At the moment this is working as intended. Not all hero units are intended to be convertible (Tubo and his wife amongst them) that said we may look into an option in the future to make some generic versions for the Map Editor.

Hi Arturroo,

I'm really sorry to hear about the issues you're having with the game. It sounds like you're running into issues with Coherent UI, the middleware we use with the UI and my suspicion would be that this is as a result of your graphics card.

Unfortunately your graphics card does not meet the minimum requirements of War for the Overworld if compared on a performance benchmark basis to our benchmark minimum cards (Geforce GTS 450 - 1553 G3D Mark & AMD Radeon 4870 - 1376 G3D Mark) by comparison your card the Geforce 840M only raises a G3D mark of 856 which is well below our minimum requirements.

With this in mind it's very unlikely that anything we suggest would allow the UI to catch up, but we're hoping that some future performance improvements from Coherent themselves could be integrated with the game in the future that may help it run on your system.

I truly apologise that we can't help you further with this and for now my recommendation would be to seek a refund if possible. :(

Best of luck,


Reopening as per new user comments.

Hi Guys,

Please can you confirm you've tried the following: Unable to click game objects / tag tiles.

Can you also include full system specs and an output log from when this is occuring as per How to: Submit a Bug Ticket

Not strictly a bug but I agree this is an issue. I'll pass it through and we'll have a look into the possibility for a future update.

Alright I'm going to mark this as Pending Third-Party for now and we'll use the internal ticket as our primary ticket.

We're aware a few people have been suffering from this issue. We've been investigating it for a few days but so far have not been able to replicate ourselves.

If possible could you include an output log from the session and a save file from before the end event is intended to occur.

Since our previous attempt to fix the issue it should be possible to proceed by saving the game after the end event is meant to occur and then loading that same save.

Sounds rather unusual we'll look into it.

Don't suppose you have an output log from that session or a save file by any chance?

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