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Hi Bumpfor,

You can certainly send us the save files though I'm not sure if they will help us. 

If I'm not mistaken on this level there should be an optional objective that states you can do this without detection. Have you checked to see whether this objective has been failed or not. I can see spirits are roaming around the area where the road is. Is it possible they have inadvertently been detected?

It might help to see a screenshot of your game before this end screen.



That's hilarious, this is a testing message we used when building the new AIs and testing AI Messaging. We'll have a look into it when we next do a maintenance pass :)

Thanks for the report!

Thanks for the report Jacques.

Sorry to hear you're having problems with SteamOS, in general we advise minimum requirements of Ubuntu OS for Linux based platforms as Steam OS often proves to be a little unstable. We will investigate further when we next do a maintenance pass on War for the Overworld but in the meantime can I suggest if possible you try the game on Ubuntu or Windows?



We'll definitely have a look into this when we come up to our next maintenance pass. Thanks for the report. If you come across verifiable replication steps that would be incredibly valuable.

Under what conditions is this the case? Is this a unit that is placed into the level? Part of a Party? Can you a expand a little on this.

Really good ticket. We'll review this and attempt to replicate prior to our next maintenance patch. Hopefully we should be able to find a solution.