התגובות שלך

Hi Track17,

Thanks for sending those to us, I apologise you didn't receive a response last week as our team is currently on leave for the festive period. I reviewed the output_log provided but I couldn't see anything that stands out unfortunately. Is this log from a play session where the issue occurred? 

I will have my colleagues review this when we're all back in the next few days. Again I apologise for the delay in responses as no-one is currently in the office.

Thank you for your patience


Hi Track17,

그 (것)들을 보내 주셔서 감사합니다, 우리는 우리 팀이 축제 기간 동안 휴가를 떠나고 있기 때문에 당신이 지난 주에 응답을받지 못한 것에 대해 사과드립니다. 제공된 output_log를 검토했지만 불행히도 눈에 띄는 것은 볼 수 없었습니다. 문제가 발생한 재생 세션의 로그입니까?

앞으로 며칠 이내에 모든 동료가 돌아올 때 동료가이를 검토하게 할 것입니다. 다시 한 번 아무도 현재 사무실에 없기 때문에 응답 지연에 대해 사과드립니다


양해 해 주셔서 감사합니다.

남자 이름

We'll review these in 2018. Normally we don't accept multiple issues in 1 ticket but we'll come back to them later. I suspect a few of these issues will not be fixed as some are particular limitations with how possession is done. Others should be fixable directly by Cian though.

That definitely shouldn't be happening. Any chance you can send a screenshot of the setup so I can quickly replicate?

Yes it most certainly is!

Great I'll close this then. Hopefully in future games if we have anything similar we could make that a little more intuitive :)

Couldn't replicate this bug with the instructions provided. I loaded into hollow and spawned Skargs, Bafu and Oculi, killing each of them with the Purge God Mode ability.

Saving the game and reloading that same save caused the beast corpses to disappear instead. Which is in itself an issue so I'll push this through with an adjusted title but I would welcome replication steps for the dead beasts playing idle animation on reload.

Found a moment to give this a test. Confirmed this behaviour with Earth tiles and Brimstone. Suspect it affects all tile types.

See attached screenshot as demonstration: