התגובות שלך

Hmmm strange that the D3D9 fix worked once and then it stopped working. I can't see any options in that list that might change the result.

We have a chap from Coherent (Who provide the UI Middleware) who recently replied to another thread where the
UI was missing, looking to investigate further.

I'll see if I can prod him to come take a look here as well.

Thanks for the additional info. Definitely the moment I had level 4 imps it started happening reliably and with level 7 it did indeed appear to be slightly more prevalent. Seems that little area in Heart of Gold level 1 is a good place to reliably replicate it as well.

Going to pass this off to the Code team now :)

Repo Steps: 1. Start Heart of Gold Level 1
2. Kill off your workers and spawn a group of level 4/7 workers

3. Dig out the area above and create a bridge as pictured.

4. Drop workers in on the final tile or create tasks for them to fulfill there

5. Vary dungeon layout, I found a vault to the east of the Dungeon Heart helped to replicate reliably.

Can't say I'm having much luck replicating this. Even tried a setup in the same place as you and all my workers keep to the bridge.

Can you confirm all the additional information on your system as per How to: Submit a Bug Ticket

In addition would you be able to upload your save file just in case there's something very unique with how you set up your dungeon that is causing this.

Also if you've tweaked any options in the menu it'd be good to know :)

The man truly knows how to hold a grudge it seems. ;)

Certainly sounds like a bug. I'll try to replicate but is there any chance you could upload a video or a screenshot of a specific tile layout where this is happening? From there it should be a quick job to get it off to our code team :)

Hi Kamil,

You can find details on the stuff Stefan described, including instructions on how to set it in this article: Missing, Invisible or Laggy UI



Truly sorry for that, it's always a pain when an issue turns up with the underlying engine and specific hardware configurations. Hopefully it won't be too long until we receive a response from Unity, although sometimes depending on their priorities it can take a little while.

Hi Vracken,

To confirm have you tried all the fixes listed under this article: Missing, Invisible or Laggy UI Depending on what thread you read there may be more solutions under this more up to date article. (In particular reports suggest that the D3D9 or 11 settings seem to be a common fix.

I've just downloaded Crimson on our AMD machine and my suspicion would be a similar option to the one we request changes on would be listed under the War for the Overworld entry in the gaming tab. Is there any chance you'd be able to send us a screenshot of that screen in particular so we can check if this is the case?



Thanks for that I'll get them passed on to check.

One more thing you could try as I've heard a couple of reports that disabling the Steam Overlay for WFTO increases performance quite a bit. Maybe give that a try while we look into your files? :)