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Hi Johnny,

Sorry you're having problems, there is currently a Unity related issue causing the game's cutscenes to fail. We're awaiting a fix from Unity themselves (which is taking a while) so there isn't much we can do about it until then other than ask affected people to skip the cutscenes.

So in the mean time you can find an "disable cutscenes" option in the options screen which should allow you to skip the custcene and get into the campaign.

Hope that helps.

This is intended behaviour from a balance pass a while ago. Not a bug.

So it is related to movement speed. As we had already guessed.

Yes I can check that myself. I asked because I want to make sure that the behaviour I am checking matches up with what you are experiencing. Otherwise I could be working towards solving an entirely different issue and not fixing the one you have reported.

I'm fully aware that it is only high level workers that can teleport. I wanted to make sure you hadn't seen this issue occur with low level workers who don't have the teleport ability which would be a sign that this was a symptom of something other than the teleport ability.

Sorry Ontos I didn't understand your last question, could you try rephrasing what you are trying to ask in a different way?

Hi Ontos, with that new information we now have a theory that this may possibly be due to the Worker Imp's Teleport ability which it unlocks once it levels up enough.

Cam you confirm that the workers that are getting stuck are high level ones who have the teleport ability?

Hi Geld, Sorry you're having an issue, unfortunately we're going to need a little more info from you before we can help you out.

For an issue like this we will definitely need an output log which will more than likely provide is with important clues as to what is going on.

The How to Submit a Bug Ticket guide will help you find the output log, so if you wouldn't mind grabbing one (make sure it's from just after a play session where you had the issue) and attaching it your reply we'll be in a much better position to help you.


Yes, changing the game speed is one of the more extreme (in terms of potential problems) mutators.

This is due to the game speed mutator being set too high, which as you are clearly warned when using mutators can cause unexpected and unsupported issues. In this case the issue caused is that units are moving more quickly than the physics engine can handle, causing them to glitch through walls. The only way to fix that would be to cap game speed in order to prevent units reaching such speeds.

Try verifying the game cache too, sometimes steam fails to download all of the files during an update and can cause issues like this if files are missing.