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Yes, I'm sure I know what I'm doing with the flags, thanks.

1. I am not using impasse flags.

2. Most of the flags are worker-rally flags - specifically to get them to focus on those tiles.

3. There are also unit-rally flags - to get the units to walk over those tiles, to trigger any lotii that might be on the tiles.

Still - nevermind. We've been talking about this for 3 weeks. It seems I'm the only one with this problem, and just on this map. It's probably not worth your time from here. (Plenty of other maps I can play.)


I've just tried again, and unless the blade lotii are determined not to attack anything (units as well as imps), I don't think so.

I've rallied many units over those tiles, and imps still refuse to claim them. An example.

Note the two "idle" imps standing near the pointer. This is despite the three nearby empire tiles that should be claimable. The units that have gone through that area include a behemoth, 5 ember demons and a number of ground troops. We fought a fair sized battle in that corridor. Surely something would have set off the lotii, if there's one there.

I noticed that it took several drop-ins before that imp who is claiming a tile would deign to do it - that's about my 4th attempt to claim that tile. (I wonder if that means that whatever causes the "idle" is the problem, and that it's not a tile-claiming problem but a lazy-imp problem?)

@V0id, I didn't get very far down that corridor. When you go over the first bridge, there's an area with a bunch of traps. The problem was just after those traps.

There might be hidden blade lotii, but I've pushed battles past that point without them triggering. Maybe I somehow had everyone walk around the hidden lotus tiles, and need to rally onto the tile to force it. I'll give it another go sometime and let you know. (After two games failed on that map, I've been avoiding going back!)




Sorry to report that at least part of this fix isn't working.

I'm trying again with this map: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=578326103

I'm again finding that my imps won't remove the "Claimed Tile (Owner Empire)" from the tiles in the central corridor. There are no enemies nearby, and imps will stand "idle" next to these tiles - even though the tile next to it is mine. The tiles I'm having trouble with are ones in between the workshops on either side of the corridor.


Edit: Come to think of it, this map is the main (only?) place I've seen this issue.

Thanks for a quick and thorough response.

Shame about the link - I was trying to help you reproduce it. :(

The symptom is very similar to the one I'm reporting, and may well have the same cause.

I think you're describing one where a tile becomes 'neutral unclaimable', and that can be resolved with annex or other tricks.

The problem I had is tiles that stay 'empire unclaimable', and those methods don't work to claim it. I can't annex someone else's territory, or build walls on it. For the moment, I don't think there is a way I can get around this problem.

However, the description of the cause and fix both sound like they'll match this, so I'll await the patch eagerly.



P.S. I did search for any existing report in this forum, but there wasn't a post in here at that point - I didn't think to search the 'legacy' forum. :)

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