Ihre Kommentare

Stefan Furcht, I had a look at the log, the json errors should be fixed since the report, but there are a few other errors I'd like you to have a look at.

Hello = ) From what I see it looks like a visual bug, you should technically still go and attack the Duke in his throne room and progress normally
(Your objective, top right, is saying you need to kill the Duke)

Stefan Furcht, Can we hide the buttons when in "My score" ?

Josh Bishop, We don't have a research animation for the dwarf.

How did you break the final door is my main question, and if you restarted / loaded a save game is very important

Hello Steven, sorry to hear you also get the issue. We have hard time replicating the problem. Did your units killed the door next to the priestess ?
For now you can save and simply load. If the door is missing the level will end =)

There is nothing particular for Vampire in Crucible. A few more units than usual are able to kill them but apart from that nothing. Their respawn have nothing to do with the gateway limit =)