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What to delete? You answered me in the topic about the missing maps and saves in the game.

Here are the contents of this folder

The my maps link.

Saving in the game are gone too, remember. And when, after the appearance of the bug, I started playing the game - again showed the tips (like I played for the first time, what's wrong, obviously).

I suspect the connection with this bug of the disappearance of my map. I have every time one (random) of my maps is shown with the picture corresponding to the missing map "Λαβύρινθος του Μινώταυρου".

Yes. It didn't help. By the way, when start the game today, first went out the window with the graphics settings.

I checked integrity of game cache, restarted steam and the game - did not help.

Found this folder in steam, there's some information at the workshop. The path to the folder: D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\workshopbuilds :


Possibly related bug: today I edited my old map "Divide et impera", saved, published locally, but when published to steam having this error, see screenshot:

I think that this problem is specifically created to it I couldn't create a new map.

The problem recurs. Now I create a map by entering the name manually. Size 122 by 122. On 4 players.