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Restarted steam. Then entered the name manually, letter by letter. It helped. Previously copied from a file .txt (Notepad).

The problem, if not clear, in the map editor.

Analysis of video:

Witch doctor level 7, needs met so in the beginning of the video:
58 food, 0% taverna, 0% sleep.
At 0:09 he ate in the tavern, needs: 100%, 100%, 0%. Still angry.
0:33 returned to the lair and began to sleep.
1:16 he upheld the need for sleep 100%. It took him 43 seconds, with 0 to 100%, is this normal?
At the same time, his need "tavern" = 17% at this moment.

The speed meet the need for more speed, with which the other needs are growing, in this case, about 2.3 times ((93-9)/(100-17) tavern and 100/43 a dream) that a little.

As for the "make a good dungeon." Are map with terrain, like a maze, which does not put the next lot of rooms. Or cards, in which the earth is a small island in which you can do only 2-3 rooms 5x3, and in each island to do the tavern is a bad idea, we need room to attract creatures, and for different jobs.

I suggest:
1. Improve the pathfinding algorithm. Now he, pardon my French, primitive (see the link, and in the video proof).

2. To reduce the time "of amichevoli" 2 - 3 times. This time I called the company, starting in as "Bad a mood, but needs are satisfied above 80%" and to increase the level of mood creatures (24 seconds in the video).
3. To make such a change, allowing sentient beings to sleep in the nearest free lair.
Additionally, it is possible to make a mutator affecting the time of the offense (whim), and on the growth rate needs.

Can fix the second bug that I have described here? If you destroy the dungeon core of the Empire, the game ends, though the map has an inhibitor. This bug is playable on any map. The inhibitor is one of the targets for destruction, isn't it?

The map is not removed, it's just private.

I rarely check my emails (but I go to this website), there may be a delayed response. Thanks for trying to understand.

Yeah, I used mirrored (rotated).

But the link is not quite the map that was not made beds. If repeat fails, the subject can be closed. A rare case.

The second version is eliminated (checked on another map).

But the second bug was repeated. Inhibitors are not the goals in the game, if destroyed by the Imperial Dungeon core.

Additional information. I lost all mutators. Settings default. It did not help. My version.

1) Earlier in the map (made for the first time in the 1.2 patch) was a Titan of the player. Then I put it away. Might have got his "Ghost", which prevents to call in a Titan?

2) the Empire has a few titans. Maybe the game thinks the titans of Empire and titans of the player and gives the player the ability to summon a Titan?

How can "right" to build a dungeon on a large map, more than 100 tiles on each side, if in different angles, for example, I need (if the map is such a struggle with the enemy in the corner, 2 passes) 2 Garrisons? I'll give the Ogre lair exactly between them. But until he comes back 50 x 1.4 (diagonal) cells x 2 - over 140 tiles, he will certainly be angry.