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So. For 3 months nobody even started working on fixing this bug. This is the norm for you?

I ask not to continue to write in my themes. You're talking nonsense. Almost all map of my , the wall on the screenshot are mine, and the cells next to it. What cells are shown in gray is a visual bug, often on large maps.

I couldn't on this map, after some time, apply the spell "Annex" anywhere, not just on my walls. It's just a screenshot for visual explanation.

It is not necessary to go into someone else's topic and unfounded to blame the lack of understanding of elementary things. In addition, you can download the fucking save game (attached to topicstart), to check and to stop clowning!

I'm trying to break MY wall spell "Annex", do not consider me an idiot.

If you first looked closely at the screenshot before you accuse me of idiocy (and only an idiot would put the problem with an error when it tries to break a spell someone else's wall), you would see the following:

The hand pointed at the wall, and that wall I'm trying to break. And the wall is perfectly visible that the owner is marked in green! And the green is indicated by only their own stuff in the game!

I went back to version 1.4.2

And I can't play my map, just crush. I edited my map in version 1.4.1., but now I can't go into it.

And I edited it in version 1.4.1., because in version 1.4.2. can't log in to edit the map. A vicious circle.


War for the Overworld Launcher Log.txt


I don't understand this phrase "AmdLiquidVrD3D11WrapDeviceContext" do you even use LiquidVR ?" No virtual reality I have not used, I have no such devices. LiquidVR is also not set, and the first time it is read you.

I checked again - no, fresh drivers, the device Manager does not offer other. And sorry, I forgot to fix the copied text about my laptop. Now I have windows 10.

Yes, in version 1.4.1 there is no problem.

Now I'll try.