
Will look into this. Might need to upgrade my Linux Version.

As requested, a player log from this morning. Should I be opening another post for this, as you have already marked this issue as completed.

I must have a different issue on Linux then, as I am still unable to play. I have disabled the steam overlay. I have checked the integrity of local files. I can go all the way through every menu, but when I finally press "PLAY", it just drops straight back to desktop. Any suggestions?

Now running the LinuxStable 2.0f10. This seems to be working as normal. Click to play a game and it loads, no issue. Hopefully this is a Middle ware issue that they can fix. Still annoys that these companies forget that the Linux community is not going away, in fact I would say that it keeps growing.

Just to let you know, I have the same issue. Since the update, it will let me load in the game. The mouse seems quite laggy. I move around the menus no problem. As soon as I try to click the play button, it just crashes straight out to Desktop. Using Linux Mint 17.3. Have turned off the steam overlay, still crashing. I am just downloading the last Linux Stable to see if that works. Will update to let you know.

I can confirm that once I export/save out the map, the impenetrable rock appears as it should. The issue seems to just affect the editor side of things.

If I select an area of impenetrable rock and change to dirt. I then fill the same area with earth. Then I overlay the same area with impenetrable rock and I get the result below.

If I go straight from dirt to rock, it looks 100% fine.

Now, having got this, as per picture. If I remove the area back to dirt and now fill with rock, if you look at the edges of the tiles while zooming in and out, you will see that they start flashing. Not certain if this is a graphics card issue, or if it affects other machines. Just thought I should point it out, as it is probably something simple to fix.

On a more positive note. A BIG THANKS to all the team who have made this possible. You have made myself and my teenage granddaughter very happy, as we love the game to bits.

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