Your comments

There are some very intense AI RTS games out there. Stop making excuses, please. CPUs these days are quite powerful and Overworld is the only game that runs so poorly out of about 30 I've spent time on in four years. I don't agree that Overworld AI is just so far past everyone else and that's why normal CPUs can't handle it.

Good programming and optimizing your scripts solves this, as well as dumping the crap UI middleware Coherent UI.

I understand your frustration. I would recommend that you take the leap sooner, rather than later. Most of your fans are still patient, but that will change soon. Overworld will lose its support and be rejected if you don't act soon and replace your middleware, optimize scripts, prune down activities that are not on the main screen. For example, you can batch activities that are not on the main screen, instead of doing them as micro-routines. They could be put into an array and performed when the CPU is not as busy. Because right now everything lags. Everything!

Coherent UI abandoned its support for its Unity plugins and devs, and so it does not surprise me that it fails to work well. I just can't respect that you blame player's machines, when I, for one, play Mass Effect and almost all RTS games out there, at some point in the past. You think I can't compare, and you can? Have you played AOE for 400 hours and your own game in its current form on average machines, so you can compare?

Please just stop. I appreciate your response but I don't agree with it.

David Lieder

USA) +1.919.386.9871
I appreciate your kind response, but I've played many, many God RTS games for 20 years and Overworld is not consistent with them. In AOE and AOM, for example, selecting people or anything allows you to right-click and unselect. Since you've added a new feature of actually "picking up" things instead of just guiding them, you've hijacked old functionality and broken it. God games usually don't let the God pick stuff up. Therefore, your company isn't thinking clearly on this, and you've broken the normal way that right-click works, and caused a situation that also freezes the player, especially when the game is lagging. So the player is supposed to find a cauldron? When the mouse is barely moving and a battle is going on? Do you even play your own game? Sometimes when picking up a minion, for example, it won't drop, even in a valid room. This is probably because of all the heavy CPU scripts going on. So there should be a quick method to cancel. I've never had this issue with other God games.

David Lieder

USA) +1.919.386.9871

If it's not a bug it just shows how ignorant your devs are about gameplay UI and user interface issues. Right-click should cancel potion placement, just like in many other cursor actions in the game. I already left a negative review on Steam.

If it's not a bug it just shows how ignorant your devs are about gameplay UI and user interface issues.

David Lieder

I play lots of RTS including AOE and many other games fine on this machine. I'm really tired of your company's excuses. When I'm on a black screen (fog of war) or a menu, the game and mouse lags. That's not a GPU issue. On a black FOG OF WAR the GPU is not active. Your response shows the high level of ignorance at your company about these type of issues.

FYI, I have 16 GB of RAM.

I went ahead and left a negative review on Steam with my concerns because I'm really tired of the excuses.

David Lieder

USA) +1.919.386.9871