Game does not start

  • Views 2,697
  • updated
  • Fixed - Upcoming Patch

Game does not start. Stuck on the loading screen before reaching title screen.

PlayStation 5
Playstation Store
Dominik Customer Support

I apologize if my previous message provided you only with annoyance, our team thought it would help with making the game launch while attempting to have your saved data still available. I understand you would love to keep your save file intact, but as the problem is occurring on PS5, our resources are limited. 

Our team is still investigating the reason for these issues so please bear with us. 



Quote from Dominik

I apologize if my previous message provided you only with annoyance, our team thought it would help with making the game launch while attempting to have your saved data still available. I understand you would love to keep your save file intact, but as the problem is occurring on PS5, our resources are limited. 

Our team is still investigating the reason for these issues so please bear with us. 



I ended up deleting my save file and the game booted up. Luckily, I don’t mind replaying 90% of the game lol 

Dominik Customer Support

Hey everyone, this problem is much more complicated than we first thought and it may take a while to find the root of the problem and if there is a possible solution to restore the save files.

Please bear with us for a little longer. We appreciate your patience.




Same problem in a PS5. I finished Big Farma and went to the main screen before closing the game. Hours later I went to play again but the game doesnt load to the main screen, I've waited more than 10 minutes, I've restarted my playstation several times, shutdown, reinstalled the game and it still doesn't get past this loading, it freezes here as shown in the screenshot.

Image 8975

Marie Watson

Same here, ps5, worked fine yesterday, now stuck on the loading bar

marlene gruber
Quote from Dominik

I apologize if my previous message provided you only with annoyance, our team thought it would help with making the game launch while attempting to have your saved data still available. I understand you would love to keep your save file intact, but as the problem is occurring on PS5, our resources are limited. 

Our team is still investigating the reason for these issues so please bear with us. 



I decided to delete my save, i was at chapter 3 when the problem came up. I startet again from scratch and i'm on chapter 2 now, no issues with loading/progress so far. I just want to share some things i noticed on my fresh start.

Image 8978

I've seen that the savegame had exact the same size after a fresh start (576MB), i just wondered because i've expected that a new save is smaller than the file i've deleted.

Normaly i start the game with the "Play Game" button, i dont use the "Activities" and the "Resume Activity" button which skips the title loading entirely and loads a savefile right away.

Image 8981

I used the "Resume Activity" by accident and i was suprised that the game showed me a chapter 3 loading screen, a chapter i havent even played on that save. I dont wanted to let the game load whatever it wants to load and closed it. Nothing bad happened afterwards but it's a strange behaviour and maybe the info is somehow usefull. 

Image 8979

What i'm also wondering is why the activity tracker is not working. It always show's 0 percent, i thought it will increase wich each chapter but nope. Not a issue for me, just curious.

Finaly it wanted to let you know that i bought the supporter pack before those troubles started to occur (loosing progress, stuck on loading screen) but there was a patch also, nearly at the same time. I dont think the DLC causes any troubles but just to be sure. I wanted to uninstall it and do some testing but i dont have that option (you can delete DLC's at some games) and if i delete and reinstall the game, the DLC will be reinstalled as well, looks like i cant avoid that.

Kind regards,


[Dev] Nanorock

Hello !

I'm very sorry for the trouble you are all experiencing. We are sadly unable to replicate the issue internally and therefor are working blind. We have made some cleanup and fixes around the application loading, our only guess is the presence of a corrupted save file that prevent the application from starting properly, and we have now added more safeties for this. This will be released next patch (coming soon).

And for Marlene, the reason "Resume Activity" launched you in Chapter 3 is because the activity is linked with Trophies, and while you restarted (so sorry ^^') the trophies aren't reset.


I deleted the save file and started over as it seems like the only logical solution to continue playing the game. I get the occasional issue here and there, but haven’t gotten the loading screen issue again…yet. I’ve been taking the game a little slower just incase there’s an issue. If it happens again, would it be possible for us to somehow send you our save file to help replicate the issue? 

Dominik Customer Support
  • Closed - Cannot Replicate

Hey DBK. We believe the newest update for the game should prevent the issue from happening again. If it were to resurface in the future, gathering as much information about the problem would be an enormous help for us to replicate and fix the issue much faster. However, we have limited resources when it comes to accessing any files from the console version of the game but we are always focused on fixing all the problems that are reported.

Thank you for your understanding!



Quote from Dominik

Hey DBK. We believe the newest update for the game should prevent the issue from happening again. If it were to resurface in the future, gathering as much information about the problem would be an enormous help for us to replicate and fix the issue much faster. However, we have limited resources when it comes to accessing any files from the console version of the game but we are always focused on fixing all the problems that are reported.

Thank you for your understanding!



Image 8987
The game continues to bug. 
It's related to my save but 
I don't want to erase all the
 progress in the game.
 What should I do?