Our Hopes skin changes itself back to default and character preview doesnt load.
when on consultant screen between missions click on Our Hopes and change skin to Farmer. The character doesnt even load. Now click to any other consultant and back on Our Hopes, skin in back to Original.
איך היית מדרג את שירות הלקוחות שקיבלת?
שביעות רצון על ידי Mrož 6 חודשים ago
להוסיף הערה לגבי איכות התמיכה שקיבלת (אופציונלי):
Hello Mrož! Thank you for providing the requested files and I am glad to hear the problem is no longer present for you! As you just said, our new patch fix should repair the problem you have encountered. Still, I will forward the information you have provided to our team so they can keep an eye out for any possible resurfacing of the problem.
I appreciate your cooperation!