Can't respawn a titan after loading a game

  • Views 9 500
  • updated
  • Completed - Resolved

When I have had a titan and it has died I can't respawn it after saving and loading the game. See screenshot in next post (for some reason I can't add an image here.)

Game Version:
Steam Public

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Satisfaction mark by Emil Hemdal 9 years ago

Quickly resolved my issues! Great support!

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Emil Hemdal

Hmm. Still can't post the screenshot... See Dropbox link below for image.

Andrew "Nutter" Jaggar
  • Under Review

I'll poke our Linux tester to see if we can repro this, thanks for the report.

Stefan Furcht Programmer

We are changing drastically how titans are summoned for next patch
and by working on this I just found and fixed this problem already.
This will work correctly next patch, please mark as fixed.

Any way thanks for reporting.

Jan - Eric Merzel
  • Completed - Resolved