game crash while playing

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  • Completed - Resolved


I have been playing the game for 19ish hours and when i got to about hour 3ish the game would freeze for a few seconds and then crash with an error that ill add below, (it clearly states that there is a file but im not sure what email i should send it too, i would appreciate is someone pointed me in the right direction below) it would continue to do this every few hours until around hour 16 when the crashes became more frequent until it got to a point where my game would crash after 2 or 3 minutes of game play.

i know for a fact my PC can run the game however it still crashes, if you would like to know my PC specs ill add it when requested as i dont know them off the top of my head

Image 2757

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Hey Tritarius,

A good start would be to read our General Crash Troubleshooting guide and our How to: Submit a Bug Ticket.

Gives those a read and link the required information in a response to this ticket.


I tried everything from the General Crash Troubleshooting pretty much without even looking haha, here is my system build

Windows 10 home

64 Bit

16 GB Ram

Strix R7 370-DC2 series Graphics card

AMD FX(tm)-8320 Eight-core Processor 3.50GHz

there usually isn't a correlation to a map or build i use as i have changed it up and it seems to crash on every map, during the campaign and random skirmish maps

if you require anything further please let me know

crash.dmp error.log output_log.txt


Hey, sorry for the slow responses, we are incredibly busy with the upcoming patch. Based on the log I would suggest that you uninstall all version of DirectX(This can be done via the programs and features tab in control panel) and the uninstall and reinstall WFTO. This will ensure that you have a clean DirectX version, as your crash is caused by DirectX directly. I also recommend using the latest stable version of the AMD driver for your video card.

Try that out and let me know how you get along.


I looked for DirectX in my programs and features and there were no versions in it, also i did reinstall WFTO and it did not install DirectX as you said it would. Also i believe that my video card is at the latest version although im not entirely sure as i dont like messing with that kind of stuff


I'm incredibly sorry, I sent you after the complete wrong thing. What I meant to say was, can you please uninstall any Microsoft .Net Framework and Microsoft Visual C++ installs. After doing so you should reinstall WFTO.

Again I'm very sorry about the confusion.

Could you please go to the AMD support page here and download the latest driver for your machine. I have highlighted the download link you want in the attached screenshot.

This is the link you should click on the AMD website


Well the *Microsoft .Net Framework* and *Microsoft Visual C++* make more sense haha. its all good with the confusion as i often get confused with lots of things too.

i would like to thank you for pointing me in the right direction regarding the AMD support page, ill be sure to use that when needed.

Ill have to let you know how my game goes in a few hours as that will probably be how long it takes before i think its all good, soo ill let keep you posted. (im reinstalling the game now)



The first time setup that steam games usually do when they install *Microsoft .Net Framework* and *Microsoft Visual C++* never happened and my game still crashed with this log

crash.dmp error.log output_log.txt


Did you attempt to download the latest driver for your AMD card?


i did download it yes


Did it install successfully?