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This key is defined as follows.
You selected start position '{0}' but it is already in use by player '{1}'. Select one of the free slots {2}!

However, nothing is displayed in the {2}.

And a mysterious number is displayed at the end of text.

menu_multiplayer_gamelobby_status_start_position_in_use_mp have same issue.

Image 2458

Thank you and best regards.

Game Version:
Steam Public


满意度评分用户: policeofficer110 8 年 前

Thank you for explaining in detail. :)


Stefan Furcht Programmer
  • Accepted

The number behind is a suggested free slot the player can switch to to resolve the error.
These two translation keys are very old from a time before the game wasn't even released and the company was in danger to run out of money.
The way this message is handled needed to change after official translations provided by a thirdparty were already done, but we saw no way to get anything else translated soon to other languages.
Thus we kept the old key despite it did not match it's purpose anymore to 100%.

Essentially these two translation keys need to be redone to suggest exactly one slot to the player he can use to get a rid of the error.
I will bring that up in the team next week.

Stefan Furcht Programmer
  • Started
Stefan Furcht Programmer

The translation keys have been fixed now for next Patch.

The new text is as follows.


Your selected start position "{0}" is already in use by "{1}". Please select a different position, such as slot "{2}".

(Shown to the player that made the edit. {0}, {2} = start position index e.g. 1, 2, 3 or 4 {1} = player name: Steam user name; "Player 1", "Player 2", etc.)


The players “{0}” and “{1}” have both selected the same start position “{2}”. The game cannot begin until these players have selected different starting positions.

(Shown to the other players in the lobby that didn't make the change. {0}, {1} = player name: Steam user name; "Player 1", "Player 2", etc. {2} = start position index e.g. 1, 2, 3 or 4)

Hope that helps!

And thanks for pointing to this old mistake.

Stefan Furcht Programmer
  • Completed - Next Patch
  • Completed - Resolved