Multiplayer custom map loading crash on 2+ players
Hi there!
1. I make a map in editor or download it from steam workshop.
2. Create a multiplayer game (local lan) and invite my wife.
3. Ready and play > loading bar goes to the full.
4. I enter game but wife gets a crash.
5. She reloads game and we repeat 1,2,3
6. Bar loads and we play no problem.
7. Sharing the map is successful as she has it in her steam profile afterwards.
8. Happens with every map we tried.
Skirmish has no problems.
I believe is a map sharing issue on first try, the game does not finish the whole transition or starts the map when is incomplete (wild guess).
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Satisfaction mark by Carlos Michal Martinez Rico 8.0 anni fà
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Hey Carlos,
please provide your both output_logs if you didn't restart the game yet.
Otherwiese please try to trigger the issue again, quit the game and upload your both logs (but especially the one which crashed, please inlcude the full crash log).
Here is how:
This helps us to see if any errors or warnings occured while this happens, which often makes it much easier to track an issue down.