Steamworks not initilized

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  • Completed - Resolved

Issue just occurred after todays update. =(

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Steam Public

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Stefan Furcht Programmer
  • Under Review

This happens sometimes when Steamworks fails on its own DRM check.
Make sure Steam Client is running fine and does not show any errors.

In 80% of all cases this was resolved by simply rebooting the computer.
In 15% of all cases users needed to uninstall and reinstall Steam Client.
In 3% of all cases it was caused by an Antivirus program preventing the connection check required by Steamworks.
In this case try to temporary disable AV and add an exception.
In 2% of all cases the issue was caused by a faulty winsock configuration sometimes caused by programs messing with it.
In this case please try
In 1% of all cases players needed to put Steam in offline mode to play, but it got fixed with a future Steam Client update.

Please try the solutions in the said order and I hope you are soon back to play.

Please let us know how it went.



Thank you a complete system restart worked ;)

Stefan Furcht Programmer
  • Completed - Resolved

Glad you got it sorted.
Have fun playing! :)

Claire Nicholas

Putting it into AVG exceptions worked for me. It came up as a virus block.