Unit bar disappears when you have too many minions.

  • Views 17,995
  • updated
  • Completed - Resolved

Most easily seen if you build one of every room and convert a few Empire units. I'm not sure the exact number of minions required, but eventually the entire unit bar vanishes and the only way to pick up units is to use hotkeys.

See picture here: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ArtixFox/screenshot/266093048581678006

You can see that the "close quickbar" arrows are floating off on the bottom right of the screen, so there should be unit portraits between it and the Workers portrait. Happens in any map or campaign mission that you can get enough minions in.

Game Version:
Steam Public
Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
  • Pending Customer

Just gave this a go. Unfortunately I was not able to replicate, even having every possible unit variation and over 800 individual units.

Out of interest if you load your save game where this issue is occuring is your creature UI still missing?


This also occurs with me. The problem persists after a reload. It happened in a campaign scenario and also happens in my "native dungeon".

I think it happens when the number of icons is too high to be displayed on a single line. Maybe there is a bug in the code that deals with this.



Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
  • Accepted

Hmmm not the case as far as I can tell. I tested with every possible unit in the game so my creature bar would scroll for quite some time. I'm interested in the fact that it seems the problem persists after reload so thanks for providing the save. I'll pass this onto code for now to see if they can spot anything in your save.

Stefan Furcht Programmer
  • Pending Customer

Hello YS1,
I have loaded your Home Realm save and this is what I get when i click on the minion tab:

So I can not reproduce any issue with the unit panel and I don't know how I can get to this state.

By any chance do you play in 4K resolution?
Our UI pluging (Coherent UI) is known to have still some issues with 4K res and some UI elements can randomly disapear.
In this case try to lower resolution a bit.
However we never had any report of such an issue with lower resolutions than 4K.

Hope this helps!


Stefan Furcht Programmer

Can you both add your system specs and your logs (from after seeing the issue),
like described in the "How to: Submit a Bug Ticket" topic.


I do not know what 4K resolution is. Screen resolution is 1920*1200.



Obtained by opening WFTO, opening Home dungeon and then quitting.



Obtained by opening WFTO, setting HUD size back to 100% (was 104%), opening Home dungeon and then quitting.

NOTE : the unit bar correctly appears in this setting.


GPU is FirePro V4800 with open-source drivers from Ubuntu 16.04 (64 bits).


Setting HUD size to 101% gives a correct display as well (so the bug is not triggered by scaling).

Setting HUD size to 102% causes the unit bar to disappear.