Level 13 - Waves of enemies blocked by all siege doors.

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I checked the forums for this one and saw it had already been mentioned, but I am still getting the bug where all waves are getting stuck on the siege doors. This is every seige door and not just the main one but it works if I save and reload the game, which is not really ideal.

I've run the level 3 or 4 times now and everytime towards the end there is always a mass army of enemies destroying my dungeon heart.

Not sure if I need to put my PC specs in, but I shall anyway, just in case!

Windows 10 Pro 64bit

24GB 1666mHz RAM

Intel core i7-3770K @ 3.50GHz (Not overclocked)

Nvidia GeForce GTX980 GPU

WFTO Version: v1.4.1f1

I'll attach the output file in here somewhere for you.




Game Version:
Steam Public
Дубликаты 2
last mission in classic campaign the waves from enemy come all at once

in the last mission from classic campaign the enemy waves would be announced but they will not be came (this is 4-5 times in a row) then it will be announced the 5 or 6 wave and he will be send ALLL waves at once. when this is there will be overrun all defenses and all minions that i have to this time.

Level 13 waves.

In level 13 when the emperor sends out a wave it doesn't attack me. Instead they stay behind and slowly build and then eventually when a certain wave is supposedly sent out they all join forces and attack me at once.


I experience the same problem.

Jan - Eric Merzel
  • Accepted

hello Davidmac.Igas and McMurphey,

this issue is know internally and will be fixed soon. Thanks for your report

Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
  • Under Review

We'll have a look into it. In the mean time if you've not heard from us soon please can you submit your save file to us. You can find instructions on how to find it in this article: How to: Submit a Bug Ticket

Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
  • Accepted

Alright I've just had a look into this. It seems there are a couple of issues that must have popped up recently.

Firstly Siege Doors seem to not open if units are trying to path "Cut the corner" as it were. Only when a unit stands in the center tile of a siege door does the door actually open which allows a wave of units through the door suddenly.

Potentially if no unit triggers the door in this manner units can become trapped behind them, causing a large build-up.

Secondly there appears to be an issue with the visual display of these doors, they do not change between open and closed state correctly when a unit triggers it to open. They always display as closed on level start. However interestingly on level load these doors will instead appear as if they were open. Naturally this does not impact the logical effect (units still become stuck until the door is logically open)

Loading the game appeared to have no other consequences and did not change the nature of the bug.

Ben Wood

Hi Lee,

Thanks for looking into it. Not sure if you need the saves stsill, but I'll attach them here for you. There's two, can't quite remember which ones which but I think they both have the same issue, at some point!

Save 1.meta

Save 1

Save 2

Save 2.meta



Stefan Furcht Programmer

Nano Boucher
If you want me to make automatic doors work for doors bigger than one tile, i can do that.
However you might not intend to have automatic door behaviour for these siege doors at all; do you?
In this case the ticket would be for you.

Ben Wood


I was just wondering if there's been any progress with this one?



[Dev] Nanorock
  • Начат
[Dev] Nanorock

Hello Ben = ) We're working on it this week ; )

Stefan Furcht Programmer
  • Completed - Next Patch