Balmorne's Pass won't end
I recently bought Dungeon Keeper 2, and I've been having a lot of fun playing the main champaign. My progress has become stuck however because a bug makes it impossibe to complete Balmorne's Pass.
I've played it through several times now, and twice I have succeeded in excavating the entire map, killing all enemy units, and destroying all enemy traps. However even after doing that the game does not end. It just keeps going perpetually. Also, it says that occasionally enemies are getting through and escaping even though there are no enemies left on the map.
I'd really like to get passed this and carry on with the campegin, so please help.
I encountered a similar problem in Balmorne's Pass a few days ago. I was attacking the gate where the empire troops started. It seemed like it produced endless new enemies. When I moved my army back and let them build up some distance to the gate, the final enemies appered and I was able to complete mission. Maybe the problem occurs when you move your minions near the empire gate.