Imps do not extract the gold from active gold shrine.
Windows 8.1 64 bit, 8 Gm RAM, Intel(R) Core(TM) I7-4500 CPU1.80 GHz 2.40GHz GPU: AMD Radeon R7 M265, Intel(R) HD Graphics Family. Version game 1.40f11
The problem is the same map, saving too.
In the map I made neutral gold shrine (activated it), put 4 gold vortex. In the game, I captured this gold shrine - but the workers (including Ghost) is not extracted from it gold, watch the video. Activated, deactivated and activated again - useless.
Possession door doesn't open. Imps do not extract the gold from active gold shrine..rar
War for the Overworld Launcher Log.txt
Game Version:
Steam Public
Jak byste oznámkovali zákaznickou podporu?
Známka spokojenosti od Галиев Рустем Před 9 roků
The bug was.
Zadejte komentář ohledně kvality obdržené podpory (volitelné):
i can neither reproduce this issue not integrate your save into my game.
i need to ask the coders why that is