
Images failed to attach...

That didn't happen with the Gnarlings though

30:10 - Matriarch dies, then dragged to first prison (furthest after path finding)

31:25 - Huntress dies, then dragged to third prison (closest)

33:37 - Warden dies, then dragged to first prison

Unrelated question -

Cultists ignoring enemies when dropped (like in 11:15 and 24:15) is a known issue, or should I create a ticket for that as well?

Here's a video, and a small observation that might be the cause.

The prison to which the prisoners were dragged to was closer to the corpse if the imps were to go in a straight line, ignoring walls/lava/etc, but the other prison is closer only if you take path finding into account.

I don't know if this behavior applies to other rooms too. (Like crypts, treasuries, searching for piglets to bring into the kettle, etc...)

Failed to reproduce after several attempts...


First time I tab out after saving :D

Will try saving and tabbing out a few more times, could be a rare occurrence.

a golden star mystical journey 6_20170606221622.meta
a golden star mystical journey 6_20170606221622

Managed to reproduce it here

First prison was the one the inquisitor is in now

Second was the one above it

EDIT: Log File
Note: II had another bug occur in that game after I saved the game, and its probably recorded in the log file. I posted it as a separate issue.

I don't have a save game file, but I'll try recreating it on the map I've noticed it.