Your comments

Very interesting indeed. The lightning is an effect from Mandalf's death sequence if it is continuously firing that suggests a script is behaving incorrectly. This level has a very complicated script running through it and it can prove volatile in some cases so something must have thrown it off. Definitely interested in looking into that and hopefully the log/save you've provided will help our QA & Code teams identify improvements.

Out of curiosity did you make this save after the game started lagging or did the game only start lagging the first time you loaded this save? I.e. you saved the game to take a break then came back to it rather than completing the level in a single sitting.

Was the lightning effect occurring before the save or did you notice it only after?



Hi Richard,

Sorry to hear this. I'll ask our QA Analyst to have a look into your log and see if we can't identify a potential cause. 

Does this issue occur every time you play the level or has this been a single playthrough so far? I wouldn't have expected there'd be a permanent issue on the level or we would be seeing other reports but perhaps an unusual issue occurred which lead to this increasing loss in performance.

Hope we can help you soon,


P.S. This is pretty much the case for any unit that is missing work animations, especially the majority of Empire units.

This is currently working as intended (there are a number of animations that were not realised due to time restrictions earlier in development) however he will be receiving a new animation in WFTO 2.0!

Hi toolazytomakeone,

Thanks for that, there should also be a .meta file alongside that save file which will be required before we can load the save. Please can you send that as well and once we have them I'll pass this on to our QA Analyst to take a look once he has a moment. It's a little busy here at the moment so it make be a little while before we get to take a deep look into this.



Hi Toolazytomakeone,

Sorry to hear you've had issues with the workers retrieving fallen heroes from the fields. It sounds like the AI isn't generating the work order due to some condition either correctly or incorrectly going unfulfilled. We'd love to look into this issue further to see if we can identify the cause. As we've not yet seen this behavior internally the easiest way for us to investigate further would be to receive your save file for this situation.

Please read How to: Submit a Bug Ticket and if possible upload your save files to us directly. :)



In the event where a player does not have an Archive the Sanctuary needs workers, therefore it is able to attract cultsts independently. To prevent a critical overflow of Cultists either one or the other is used but not both. Essentially it removes the dependency of the Sanctuary on the Archive but doesn't change the Cultist's attraction rate if they own both.

Hi lovre lovrić

I'm sorry to hear about your issue launching the game. In order to assist you we'll need as many details as possible regarding what is happening, please read How to: Submit a Bug Ticket and update your ticket with as much information as you can.

In particular we'd like to know what is happening when you try to launch the game. Do you receive any prompts, error messages or do you see any presence of the game at all? How is Steam behaving? Etc.

Any details you can provide will help us to assist you. :)



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