
Hi WissApe,

If the ingame options are only showing a single restitution it means that for whatever reason the game is only being told that those are your supported monitor resolutions. That's truly peculiar and never seen something like that.

Can you send us a dxdiag report as well as the output log report for the game How to: Submit a Bug Ticket and can you try the following:

1. Ensure that every file in the WFTO folders including the options.txt has write access (I.e. open the properties menu while highlighting the folder and uncheck read-only, apply that to all sub files and directories) Then try updating the options file.

2. Send us a screenshot of your options menu. Try seeing if you can toggle the monitor drop down and if there's other monitors with other resoltuions.

3. Ensure your graphics drivers are up to date.

Hope we can help,


Hi Wizo_Paradox,

Sorry to hear you're having issues with the game. This issue is familiar to us but I'll be honest it's been along time since I've seen it and we were pretty confident it was fixed with the 2.0 release and new UI middleware version.

Can you send across an output log from an affected game? Can you also confirm in an affected game if the minimap or upper ui is clickable and this is just happening to the lower UI?

See this article for what and how to report How to: Submit a Bug Ticket



Hi Nivdc,

WFTO has several Chinese fonts it will attempt to use and fallback to these are: STHeiti, STSong, SimSun, 华文细黑

Please try giving these a go starting with STHeiti and see if this solves your issue.

Out of curiosity what Chinese fonts did your OS come packaged with? And which distro are you on? We can see about adding another fallback font to try and make sure more ground is covered.



Hi Ehelm111,

Thanks for the report I'll see if I can't find some time to replicate this issue in the coming weeks. In any case this will be in our backlog to review the next time the team does a maintenance pass on WFTO.



Hi Epsilon,

Thanks for the report and sorry to hear you suffered a crash. I hope you were able to continue with the My Pet Dungeon campaign regardless?

Reviewing the crash log attached there's unfortunately not much to go on. For whatever reason the crash handler was not able to complete a stack trace which usually suggests the issue is somewhere deeper in the Unity codebase. I'll make sure this get passed onto our code team in the next triage pass for review to see if we can isolate the problem but currently this appears to be a freak occurrence.



P.s. As you appear to have submitted this issue to us twice I will be merging the prior ticket. Thanks!

Hi Dungeon Keeper Sailor Mercury,

Thanks for pointing this out to us. I'll see if I can look into it at some point in the next week or so.



Hi Vepar,

This is great news, I'm glad my guess was accurate and has delivered significant improvements. 

With this resolution, I'm going to mark this ticket as complete. Obviously not all the issues raised in your initial ticket at 100% resolved so for each here's where we're at on those:

  • Default AI Message on Hell's Deep - There is actually a ticket for this already. I've updated it following your ticket and if you like you can follow that in case the ticket ever gets updated.
  • Possession Culling - New ticket raised here
  • UI Performance w/ Units Panel - New ticket raised here
  • Loading Performance - I'd say the numbers your reported are largely within the margin of error. It's a pretty staggering difference but I think this could be due to the differences in our core specs. My Work PC has a high-end Intel CPU and 64GB of RAM. This could be as simple as my game doesn't load anything into the Pagefile and instead simply uses system memory. WFTO's loading times I think are one of the biggest issues we're aware of so it doesn't surprise me to hear them being within the range you indicate.
  • Justice Crash - If you can replicate this I'd love to see a ticket including a log and replication steps. :)
  • Splash Screen Remains - At a loss on this. Nothing in the log and I can't replicate it myself. You can feel free to raise a report with all the details you can muster but if it's not something we can replicate in house it certainly won't be fixed.

That should be everything if you feel there's anything I've missed please let me know.



Confirming this ticket was raised by me having split from https://brightrockgames.userecho.com/communities/1/topics/5341-general-lag-and-stuttering-and-other-problems.

I have replicated the behaviour and observed a ~50% reduction in framerate when the detail view is enabled on my work PC.

Could be a performance issue with number of UI Elements in general via Coherent or some scripting on the unit panel. Note that Vepar indicated the performance is noticably different between the units and spells tab normally as well.

Added to triage queue.