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I am afraid not. My only theory is it has something to do with restarting a campaign mission repeatedly; that is the only thing I can recall doing before this happened. If I stumble upon this again, I will be certain to save the output log.

If I recall correctly, the pillars (and the black directly beneath them) are always purple-tinted. You can see this in the screenshot without the arcane theme.

I am afraid not, I did not save it. I'm sorry, the thought never crossed my mind.


I have posted the (incomplete) map to the workshop for easy bug testing.

I thought the black was deliberate, to give the arcane chasm the impression of floating. IIRC, isn't the campaign's arcane fortress the same way?

On a side note, are the arcane pillars supposed to be purple? On both the theme and the terrain, the corner pillars have a purple tint to them. It looks a bit weird considering that the arcane theme's stone is otherwise imperial white, with purple for the non-stone items like cloths on the bookshelves or carpet on the floor.

In fact, this purple tint continues into the black dirt-less chasm beneath the pillars of the arcane chasm terrain.

Addendum: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/809928961048798070/0333C5C8BFED5D3873551F182F624F2C50EBABAE/

The lair shows this as well in its pillars. This is again with the dwarven theme. I will try with the empire theme to make sure it's not just the dwarfs who color their wood weirdly.

I am afraid you are incorrect regarding the cause.


In editor.


In game, with purple arcane theme.

This is in fact based on the chasm itself, with a weird colored texture wrap for the 'invisible' chasm beneath it.

In both screenshots, the theme used is the Dwarven theme. The first screenshot is 'ingame', with me as an emerald dwarven underlord. The second screenshot is in the map editor, looking at an imperial dwarven dungeon I had built.

Update: I have narrowed it down to two specific wall models. The one pictured above with the orb, and this particular bookshelf: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/809928961041442713/787996384E4069681C2BED75E54B9BE4F7CD6429/