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I tweaked this map, in particular, newly "built" the same plot do not invade cells but haven't checked again.
However, I believe that such problems are solved even when you re-edit, should not be.

The situation repeated itself. And I've noticed a pattern - whenever I edit my map and then publish it, I can't import your own maps. But if I exit the game and re-run by WFTO - it helps.

Watch the video 2, AI, having first beast den, and received (with my help, and I cleared the protection of the fire demons) access to the 4th room (and more rooms on the map or not) - building a beast den again, in every room.

The problem disappeared after about 10 minutes after I started topic. But the video suggests that the problem was. I plagued by vague doubts.

And please, not again versions about the only visual defect. I specifically took this video at the beginning show that other people's maps I can import, and then what their maps (everything from "5 rooms, 1 death." and below in the list) - I can't!

If the problem is known and will be solved - this is the main thing I wanted to know. Good.

Just great. Intended no attack at A.I, that is, you're in a 1x1, but in fact play in the sandbox - and this is the norm. And nothing is done to remedy the situation will not be because some people simply reject the obvious mistake than to bring the bug to programmers.

I did not understand, whether the measures taken to ensure that in patch 1.5 A.I. on a map - attacked?
Or not, as my subject is rejected and will not be accepted if calculate future work with A.I.?

Now it is not the recognition of a bug, the theme will be forgotten. And when upgrade 1.5 - the bug again.

A.I. should try to win whenever possible (when the enemy core is not closed completely impassable stone - it is possible).

The bug can be different at different levels of detail specification. I am sure that the desire A.I. trying to victory - it is one of the basic principles of the game, to take into account when designing. So I completely disagree with you - there is an obvious flaw of the algorithm. When it is correct - is another question, but an issue - there. And do not blame me for what I do "not right" map. I do them for the exciting game, not to read the absurd accusations against anyone in the "dishonest creating maps", where the measure of dishonesty correlates with a measure of fantasy criticism.

P.S. I want to sign a pact with you, Andrew "Nutter" Jaggar, the mutual disregard. I do not write in your topics, you - in my? Is that possible? I'd rather wait for the day - the other, and wait for an answer from someone less biased.

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