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After more than 30 minutes, the game showed me a list of custom campaigns. Every time to wait 40 minutes - is a long time.

1. Map of 125 to 125 with the presence of water, impassable rocks and lava.

2. Many creatures on the map. 4 Underlords.

3. FPS below 25.

The result: I was recently in another time his eyes saw the yellow unit in the torture purple Underlord, changed affiliation. But remained yellow! I.e., after the torture of being unable to leave the old color, this is a CONSTANT problem I have.
And one more observation. When I load the save with this problem - the color units are already correct.

Tell me. Why there is a baguette in the air, who creates it? Someone uses baguettes as a weapon?

A very old problem, about which I wrote in the Discord, but I was told in the style of "my yours do not understand", though I paraphrase.

I'm worried that because of the preservation and accumulation of these glitches, the game will lose in performance, to drop fps and in general, will be problematic to play - and it happens on large maps when the game sometimes freezes.

Well, maybe already there is no problem, I suggest closing the topic.

The bug has not reproduced. Topic can be closed.