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I remember the words of your colleagues, v0id:

"Long story short:
- We are not removing the conversation by sight feature.
- But we could make sure it does only happen between units who really see each other."

1. Early neutral units found the owner after the occurrence of the tile master
2. Now it is not, the tiles are not enough.
3. With v0id about "But we could make sure it does only happen between units who really see each other" I concluded that the owner obtain neutral creatures happens "when they do see each other."

But, is it true that from this intent, there was only 1 part - "the neutral needs to see the units Underlord"?

Especially important is this problem in large maps - labyrinths. Where, due to the map, tortuous path.


Please understand the difference. Units must have a bad mood, if their needs are not satisfied. All the time, while needs are insufficiently satisfied.

So, definitely understandable.
But if the unhappy units that had the great satisfaction of all requirements (100 - 90%), should improve his mood.

And it should happen earlier than 24 seconds.

If not - please, tell the maximum time, in which the creature may be unhappy (so it wasn't a bug), provided that the entity obtained the satisfaction of their needs.

Please, see:

Watch from 1:31 to 1:55. 1:31 of the Witch doctor needs satisfied so: 100% (100%), 92%. He remained unhappy, although it satisfied the need for food and tavern, 24 seconds in a row to 1:55. All this time his needs were satisfied not less than 81%.


In addition, immediately after leaving the arena, satisfaction of the need for sleep fell to 0% (this is a bug or so conceived)? Despite his urgent need to sleep, he did not go to bed, though his bed was 5 tiles from it. He was treating himself. Although sleep cures. This is a bug? In any case, the unit should first satisfy their need, which is satisfied with less (in this case sleep). Otherwise we get periodically angry units.

Ignored the screenshots. Which shows that needs are satisfied (on the second from the screenshots, each at more than 80% 0. The salary received. But units unhappy. What % of satisfaction of needs, unit NEEDS to become unhappy? I'm sure it is significantly below 80%.

Occulus was. This beast can see through walls, but sentinels this ability does not possess. And neutral units should acquire the owner only when they see units of the owner. They see, and not see them.

You don't think that there is no problem? May I ask about how planned communication of the mood and the % of satisfaction of needs, in numbers?

Clearly, when needs are satisfied by more than 60% every miserable unit should not be. And I wrote specific observed. They are unhappy, regardless of status needs, just because something happened (for example, fighting in the arena).

I noticed, that most often in units bad mood when they're sent to rally, or go far away somewhere, or had long trained in the barracks, or out of the arena. After 15 seconds - 30 even, that is not normal. With it, when leaving the arena (after the battle on the inside), the creatures immediately become unhappy (well, not always).

Just open the map editor. Build any room. And try to replace it with occupied land (same owner). Fail. This is a bug. The video even made, how else to explain?

The link - a way to save the game. No map - the game.