Your comments

Hi Lee,

thanks for your reply.

I've forgotten to mention that I've already reinstalled the game twice. Anyway, I've gone through the steps in the docs and verified the cache. The steps are totally different on steam os but I'm pretty sure I've done it right.

The guide also mentions to reinstall the game. Since I already did this twice, I don't think reinstalling a third time would help.

The "startup crashes" guide does not really apply to steam os - I don't think it uses .net and if it does, this is maintained by steam os. I think that it's the mono lib that is used here, hm? Neither do I use any wireless headsets or stuff like that.

I've grabbed the logs from the steam drive and I think that there really is a problem with the mono library. Maybe I should reinstall steam os?

I've attached the logs to this post. I've also created a video so you can see what the problem is, but it seems to be too large to uplad (about 100 MB). I'm currently uploading this to youtube and will link it here ASAP.

Regards and thanks for your help


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