Game crashes before splash screen

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Puppy Linux Slacko 6.3.0, 64 bit. DRM-free version of game. The console says "Importing game controller configs", then "Aborted", and goes no further.

Game Version:
Steam Public
Duplicates 1
Game crashes before splash screen

I guess I need to resubmit this?

Ubuntu 16.4.2, 64 bit. DRM-free version of game. The console says "Importing game controller configs", then freezes entire OS. Same thing in other operating systems, but it says "Aborted" and only WFTO crashes.

Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
Quote from Saladin

Thanks. At this point, I'd rather just cut my losses. I've spent nearly a week and more than $100 trying to get this game to work. I don't have anything else that will benefit from 6 gigs of RAM, a 64 bit OS, or a new graphics card. I'll give it another shot in a few years.

Sorry to hear that Saladin, best of luck for the future and we'll always be here to help if at some point in the future you return with a modern rig :)

For future reference our system specs can be found here: System Requirements at the very least you'll need to upgrade your card (which only pulls a 24! in the G3D test, our minimum is 1500) but not knowing how the rest of your system holds up I couldn't provide a further action plan than that.

We hope to see you again in the future and sorry we couldn't help you get the game running.


Best of luck, hopefully you get to play sooner rather than later


Thanks. At this point, I'd rather just cut my losses. I've spent nearly a week and more than $100 trying to get this game to work. I don't have anything else that will benefit from 6 gigs of RAM, a 64 bit OS, or a new graphics card. I'll give it another shot in a few years.


Unfortunately that card is far below the minimum requirements of the game. A 10 year old card will not have the power or Video memory required for the game.


Nvidia geforce 6150se.


What GPU do you have?


My fault. It's a second-hand computer, and I never actually verified how much RAM was in there. Thought I had six gigs. Turned out I only had three. I've upgraded to eight, but the game still isn't working.

I ran "free" to verify that I installed the new ram correctly: it's saying I have 7910496, so it looks like I installed the RAM correctly.

The game is still doing that "Importing game controller configs" ... "aborted" thing though. The Player.log is still filled with "cannot allocate memory" messages, but "free" (when the game isn't running) is telling me that I have almost six and a half gigs free.


  • Completed - Resolved

For future reference what are you specs, most importnatly how much RAM do you have?


Thanks. I think that's the problem. I don't have enough RAM to run the OS live and the game at the same time. I'll have to make a hard disk install, buy some more RAM, and maybe make a swap partition.


Looks like you cannot allocate memory, what are the specs of your computer?