interface problems / UI Freeze

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  • Completed - Resolved

hi just brought the game, and when i play through the campaign about half way through the mission the interface disappears. its still there cos if i click in the right place the option to cast a spell, build a room etc still works, but it looks like its just the rooms tab. so i basically have to guess the right place to click which is more or less impossible . also if i press escape i cant see the the main menu.

so i tried this fix but now i dont even get a menu when i start the game, but the dude says "welcome etc" and the background is there just no menu.

i run on laptop

win 10 64 bit

intel core i5 6300hq @2.3ghz

12gb ram

hope u can help cheers

Game Version:
Steam Public
Duplicates 1
UI Freezing

As requested on Steam discussion:

Kaos 21 hours ago
I am getting the same UI problem. I have completed a game with the UI frozen, all buttons are functional but you cannot see what your clicking on. mouse popups still work but not anything that changes the Ui screen. It is still in place when on the campaign map. Next mission caused same problem.


Svend Heinesen

Turns out my laptop did indeed have an nvidia card installed. I never would have thought that a laptop would have dual graphic cards installed. There is no Nvidia software installed, and every time I go to settings it just shows the Intel card.

But since you asked for the specs I figured I might as well give them as detailed as possible, and when checking under devices a nvidia Quadro K620 card showed up. And after updating the driver for it, the game has run as well as can be expected on a laptop :)

  • Completed - Resolved

Wow that's unexpected, I'm glad to hear that you've got everything running well. 

It's quite common to have 2 GPU's a low power and high power one, this is to help the battery life when you're not doing high power tasks like gaming ;)

Ace Strife

I'm also getting the same thing after returning to the game.  I came back to finally start playing through the extra content added since the original campaign, but am having this issue happen to me, frequently.

Full desktop system, 1080 Ti, most recent drivers. dxdiag:

The UI just breaks and ceases to update anymore.

Whatever this Coherent UI thing is, it's just awful.  I've seen a few other games using it and all it seems to do is suck up an inordinate amount of system resources (ram hog, sometimes hogs CPU too).  And now it's causing this issue in this game.

What happened?

I'd rather not switch the game to rendering in a worse mode (dx9) when it worked just fine previously, though I'll test it.

Edit: Switching to DX9 made the UI update a lot more slowly.. and didn't fix the issue either.

Edit2: Well, workaround discovered.  Since hotkeys still work, I can quicksave the game while it's messed up, then reload it and continue playing since that seems to fix the UI.  Not great, but at least I don't have to lose my progress and restart the game every time.

Ace Strife

..and now I can't edit my post anymore?  I was in the middle of editing it too.

I wanted to add: 

Edit3: Okay, the workaround doesn't work all the time.. just had it re-load the level without any loading screen, so I saw some weird stuff and the UI stayed broken.  *sigh*

  • Pending Customer

Hey Ace,

We are aware of this issue affecting a number of our users. If you followed the Missing, Invisible or Laggy UI guide in full then there's not much we can do right now. We are currently upgrading the UI to CoherentGT which is much more stable and should resolve this for you. This will be avalible soon via the Public Test Builds.

In the meantime if you could link me an output log from a session where you experienced this issue that would be great. The location of the file is explained in our How to: Submit a Bug Ticket guide.

Thanks for taking the time to report this issue, I hope we can straighten this out for you ASAP

Ace Strife

I thought I did, but the fact that the ability to edit our posts is disabled after a period of time resulted in me forgetting I updated it.

The issue is happening a bit too frequently to play with the workaround (huge annoyance), so I'll be waiting for that test build before I try the game again.


It looks like the log has been cut off before the end, can you upload the full file here so I can see the end?

Ace Strife

That was the end afaik; I had to alt+f4 because there was no other way to exit the game.  My recent log is way shorter than that (2,000 lines vs 12,000).

I'll have to wait until I can play around with the 1.6.2 build, then if I experience the issue again I'll attach the log file here (didn't even know I could).


Hey Ace, 

Have you had any luck with 1.6.2?

  • Completed - Resolved

Hey Ace,

Due to a lack of response we are going to close the ticket as we cannot follow this further. If you post back here we can reopen the ticket.