Converting Mandalf with blodd money doesn't end the level

  • Views 7 722
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  • Completed - Resolved

I've reached the point where the game says that converting mandalf with blodd money ends the level.

I convert him but nothing happens. Then the imps dig the gold and he respawns at the dungeon heart.

This is an infinite loop. I convert him but he returns every time and the level won't finish.

Please fix this! I don't want to play the level 1 all over again!!

Game Version:
Steam Public

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Tyytyväisyysmerkin antoi Tiago Cadavez 8 vuodet sitten

Lisää kommentti asiakastuen laadusta (valinnainen):

Stefan Furcht Programmer
  • Accepted
Biervampir [AUT]

Could please upload your savefile


~/.local/share/Steam/userdata/userdata/Your User ID/230190/remote

And outputlog as well, then the coders can look at it.

D:\Steam\SteamApps\common\War For The Overworld\WFTOGame_Data

Thank you for your report.