Freeze on final level when entering the forge

  • uuendatud
  • Not Fixable

As in title. I had no problems raiding the area to the west with the matriarchs (crypt? necropolis?) but when I head east to take out the forge, the game locks up as soon as my army attempts to enter. It doesn't even get as far as breaking the doors down; as soon as they start bashing it immediately freezes and doesn't recover. Output log attached.


Game Version:
Steam Public

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Shaolin Funk

I tried to replicate it by sending the same army into the main fort in the center by clicking behind the door and it didn't freeze, so I agree with you, it doesn't seem to be that. As you say, very strange.

I'd like to attach save files so you could try it yourself, but after I managed to get past that section I got overexcited and stupidly overwrote the save. Maybe tomorrow I'll try playing the level again from the start and see if I can replicate the bug.

Stefan Furcht
  • Under Review
Stefan Furcht

Hrm there is not articifal limitation to pathfinding.
All you'd get is more lag when you have more units.
So it's still a bit of a strange issue for us.

Shaolin Funk

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly.

I tried forcing it to single GPU rendering in NVIDIA Control Panel, but the outcome was the same - it still froze at the same point. However with a bit of experimenting I did find a way around the problem - by setting the rally point outside the doors instead of inside. There was a bit of slowdown, however after breaking the doors I was then able to get inside and set about breaking all the AI's stuff. My army is quite large as I have been converting all the incoming waves so I have well over 100 creatures at this point. I suspect it might be an issue with pathfinding so many entities at once. As I said it didn't happen when I went into the crypt area, however I have taken on a few more recruits since then so perhaps I've gone over a critical number. I can't think of any other explanation.

Stefan Furcht
  • Pending Customer

Hello Shaolin,
I can not find any obvious harmful errors in the log you uploaded.
However we had reports about crashes from people using SLI or Crossfire solutions.
The game is not fully compatible with either yet and can crash for some people.
I would suggest trying to run the game on one card exclusively or temporary disable SLI while playing.

Let us know if this resloves the crash.


Shaolin Funk

Also my system info is as follows:

OS: Windows 10 x64


CPU: Intel Core i7 6700-k

GPU: Geforce GTX 970 x2 (SLI)

WFTO build: 1.5.0f10