Chapter 8 not working correctly

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I am on chapter 8 and it does not seem to be triggering the next stage of the level. I have unlocked one wing but I keep getting told by the advisor that I need to unlock the next wing or he wont do anything else. 

He has now stopped speaking entirely and the objective still says "power up"  Unlock new wing.

Current Save.bin


Image 9215

V.1.1.1+87 etc (it is up to date
Windows PC
Sonia Customer Support
  • Accepted

Hi Phantom,

Thank you so much for reaching out and sending the information over. I am really sorry to hear that Chapter 8 does not progress as expected for you. I will forward the information to the team and we will see what can be done. When we have any new information, I will reach out in this thread.

Best regards!


[Dev] Nanorock

Hello & Happy new year ! We're only back from holiday now.

Sadly we're missing some info here, the .bin on its own it not enough to test on our side. We need the .save too. And we would benefit from the player.profile file too. 

But given that you seem to have used the snapshot tool , the whole .zip would be preferable.

[Dev] Nanorock

I have put a fix that will get in the next patch. However it won't be retro-compatible due to how our game events are saved. So I apologize but a restart will be needed. Now it seems to be a rare occurrence and given it happened early in the level I would suggest that you don't have to wait for the patch, restarting you should already not encounter the issue again, if you've not done that already. 

Have a nice day !

john neterer

Not fixed, despite other posted threads. Playing on ps5, chapter 8 doesn’t end, doesn’t even keep progress, constantly makes you start from the beginning. Doesn’t move forward even when done in a single sitting. Have opened entire hospital, no quests, no next chapter.

Dominik Customer Support

Hey John. I understand that you would like to continue progressing through the game and I apologize for the issue you are having but I can assure you that our team is constantly working on a fix and we are positive that the upcoming update for the game will fix the issue you are experiencing. I kindly ask you to bear with us and await the patch that should be hitting servers soon.



Quote from [Dev] Nanorock

I have put a fix that will get in the next patch. However it won't be retro-compatible due to how our game events are saved. So I apologize but a restart will be needed. Now it seems to be a rare occurrence and given it happened early in the level I would suggest that you don't have to wait for the patch, restarting you should already not encounter the issue again, if you've not done that already. 

Have a nice day !

Thanks, do you know what caused the issue in this instance? Is it because I paused when the narrator was speaking or something like that? Just want to avoid it happening again if I can. 

Also any idea when the patch will be released? 

[Dev] Nanorock

The issue is not something user have control over / can avoid I'm afraid. It was due to how we checked for unlocked zone, and somehow on your session the event did not trigger properly, which is a rare occurance. I've added a more robust way to check for a zone being unlocked so next patch this event won't be missed

[Dev] Nanorock
Quote from john neterer

Not fixed, despite other posted threads. Playing on ps5, chapter 8 doesn’t end, doesn’t even keep progress, constantly makes you start from the beginning. Doesn’t move forward even when done in a single sitting. Have opened entire hospital, no quests, no next chapter.

For consoles we've added an attempt fix for this issue. We are still unable to replicate those issue some users face on console and therefor are progressing in the dark. But it's our hope that the progression system will be more robust on the next patch.