Lost progress on PS5, again

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I played chapter 2 (Burning Moon) over several days with the latest patch and called it a day after healing Gazria, i think i claimed the reward before saving but not sure. Today i finaly wanted to finish that chapter, but suddenly all progress is gone.
The playtime displays 00:00:00, the research level for deseases from this chapter is still there and Twiggy Pop is still listed in the consultant overview.

I'm seriously tired replaying the same things over and over again because of those saving issues on the PS5 version. The PS statistic shows that i played the game about 45h but i never made it beyond chapter 3.

I've disabled the automatic could save for this game because i dont want to have a corrupted backup and i dont make a manual cloud backup every time after i played because my internet is pretty bad and it is annoying to wait several minutes for that 500+ MB backup to be done when i just wanna go to sleep. So i have a backup that is several days old and i dont know how many hours i lost again but that is no solution anyways, it's just an annoying workaround for this problem!

PlayStation 5
Playstation Store
Duplicates 1
PS5 Game Stopped Saving Level Progress Resets Level Play Time To Zero.
Avatar DBK

Image 9210

Image 9211Image 9212

I took a long break from the game because I figured it needed the bugs worked out. Turns out the bugs are still there months later. The two levels I played yesterday were Chapters 6 & 7. Went back in to chapter 6 to get backing into playing the game and it read something like 3 hours of play time, I was trying to 5 * it. Then jumped into Chapter 7 playing about halfway through the level and today it completely reset both levels 6 and 7. I manually saved in the level before closing out of the game. The 00:39 for chapter 7 was listening to the dialogue. I’m at a loss for this because it has been months and this renders the game unplayable unless you are willing to do each level to 5* in one sitting. 

Dominik Customer Support
  • Pending Customer

Hey Marlene, I am sorry to hear that you have experienced a progress save once again. I understand that losing your progress is very disheartening, but do you remember what exactly you did after replaying Chapter 2 and healing Gazria? Our team is still investigating the reason for this lost progress, and any further information would really help, so please answer the following questions as much as you can:

- Did you close the game after playing or did you turn off PS5 after claiming the in-game rewards?

- Are you connected to the internet when using the PS5? 

- Can you please provide me with a screenshot of your console storage page and cloud save settings you have saved (please, remove any personal information before sending the screenshot)? 

- Does your game crash or has it crashed at any point during recent playtime?

- Has your PlayStation 5 been updated to the most recent patch?

I appreciate your cooperation.


marlene gruber
Quote from Dominik

Hey Marlene, I am sorry to hear that you have experienced a progress save once again. I understand that losing your progress is very disheartening, but do you remember what exactly you did after replaying Chapter 2 and healing Gazria? Our team is still investigating the reason for this lost progress, and any further information would really help, so please answer the following questions as much as you can:

- Did you close the game after playing or did you turn off PS5 after claiming the in-game rewards?

- Are you connected to the internet when using the PS5? 

- Can you please provide me with a screenshot of your console storage page and cloud save settings you have saved (please, remove any personal information before sending the screenshot)? 

- Does your game crash or has it crashed at any point during recent playtime?

- Has your PlayStation 5 been updated to the most recent patch?

I appreciate your cooperation.


Hello Dominik, i'll try to give you as much information as i can:

- Did you close the game after playing or did you turn off PS5 after claiming the in-game rewards?
I saved the game and closed it afterwards but i think i did not claim the in-game reward.

- Are you connected to the internet when using the PS5?
Normaly yes but i know i was not connected when i lost progress this time. I had to shut down the router for some minutes because my connection was very bad, so i decided to continue Galacticare meanwhile as it does not need an active connection, at least i think so.

- Can you please provide me with a screenshot of your console storage page and cloud save settings you have saved (please, remove any personal information before sending the screenshot)?

Sure, here you go:

Image 9136

Image 9137

- Does your game crash or has it crashed at any point during recent playtime?
I dont had any crashes as far is i can remember, the playsessions have been pretty smoth. The only issue i noticed is that the game starts to stutter when i browse the conditions in the Pathodex and i often thought the game is going to crash any moment there.

- Has your PlayStation 5 been updated to the most recent patch?
Yes, auto-update is active, normaly i install the latest update right after the download.

I dont know if it might help but i took a video on how i save normaly, i select "Save" and wait until the button is enabled again, which takes a bit. Then i use "Quit to menu" and wait patiently until i'm back on the chapter selection. Then i'm pressing the PS5-Button and close the game via the switcher.


I seriously try to prevent any issues with the saving system but it seems to hit me over and over again.

Dominik Customer Support
  • Accepted

Thank you for such detailed answers to my questions. I will forward this to our team for investigation and update you as soon as I hear back from them. I kindly ask for your patience. 



Quote from marlene gruber

Hello Dominik, i'll try to give you as much information as i can:

- Did you close the game after playing or did you turn off PS5 after claiming the in-game rewards?
I saved the game and closed it afterwards but i think i did not claim the in-game reward.

- Are you connected to the internet when using the PS5?
Normaly yes but i know i was not connected when i lost progress this time. I had to shut down the router for some minutes because my connection was very bad, so i decided to continue Galacticare meanwhile as it does not need an active connection, at least i think so.

- Can you please provide me with a screenshot of your console storage page and cloud save settings you have saved (please, remove any personal information before sending the screenshot)?

Sure, here you go:

Image 9136

Image 9137

- Does your game crash or has it crashed at any point during recent playtime?
I dont had any crashes as far is i can remember, the playsessions have been pretty smoth. The only issue i noticed is that the game starts to stutter when i browse the conditions in the Pathodex and i often thought the game is going to crash any moment there.

- Has your PlayStation 5 been updated to the most recent patch?
Yes, auto-update is active, normaly i install the latest update right after the download.

I dont know if it might help but i took a video on how i save normaly, i select "Save" and wait until the button is enabled again, which takes a bit. Then i use "Quit to menu" and wait patiently until i'm back on the chapter selection. Then i'm pressing the PS5-Button and close the game via the switcher.


I seriously try to prevent any issues with the saving system but it seems to hit me over and over again.

This is exactly what I do with my saves and too a couple month break from the game because of it. After fully uninstalling the game and reinstalling it for the third time, I had to walk away from it. I picked it back up yesterday and it did the exact same thing to me again. Seriously frustrating that it’s been multiple months and this is still a major issue. 

Dominik Customer Support

Hey guys, I understand this situation can frustrate you: playing the game and then losing your progress. Unfortunately, the problem is much more complex than initially thought, and our team is still working on a solution. I can only apologize to you for the inconvenience you have experienced and promise that our developers are doing everything they can to fix this problem once and for all. 

I wish you a lovely day.


Quote from Dominik

Hey guys, I understand this situation can frustrate you: playing the game and then losing your progress. Unfortunately, the problem is much more complex than initially thought, and our team is still working on a solution. I can only apologize to you for the inconvenience you have experienced and promise that our developers are doing everything they can to fix this problem once and for all. 

I wish you a lovely day.



What am are we able to do to help diagnose?  I’ve offered to put my save file on a flash drive so you can see if it can be replicated.  I’m not sure what else can be done. 



Sonia Customer Support

Hi Derek, Happy New Year!

Apologies for the delay in reply and thank you so much for your patience. I wanted to reach out to you as we checked on this problem and the Team is still actively looking into this case of progress being reset. I do understand it is super frustrating to have to replay the same parts due to the progress disappearing on the console. If this problem occurs again and there is any new information, please do let us know - it would be super helpful in order to investigate what is happening. When we have any news, we will also update this thread to let you know.

Best regards,
