Broken saving system in PS5 (after August update)
I couldn't start the game in a PS5 before the latest update of August, it was a corrupted save that prevented starting the game. Now with the update the game starts, I can play any level but it's not saving when I hit "Save". I played Boke Waystation and saved it before closing the game, a few hours later I went to resume and it went back to the main menu instead of resuming the level, and I had to restart that level again from the beginning. I tried saving again and it didn't save. Last night I played Chapter 6, clicked SAVE at least twice during the chapter, finished it to the end and clicked to Next Level. It didn't saved my progress, I have to start Chapter 6 again. And the Loamites I spent in the Galactic Exchange didn't saved either, I spent all of it and I have 512 Loamites again and all those itens that I bought before and back unchecked to buy again.
I conclude that the saving system is broken.
Thanks a lot for recording that video mate. We're looking into this as fast as we can!