2nd World Missing after 5 star of 1st World

  • Views 1,746
  • updated
  • Fixed - Released

Hi! World 2 popped up by I skipped it and proceeded to 5 star my 1st world. Logged out of the game for a while and when i came back, world 2 is already missing and cant find it or click anything. Only world 1 is present.

Image 8969

Galacticare Debug Save Friday, July 12, 202....zip

Windows PC

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Duplicates 1
2nd World Missing after 5 star of 1st World

Hi! World 2 popped up by I skipped it and proceeded to 5 star my 1st world. Logged out of the game for a while and when i came back, world 2 is already missing and cant find it or click anything. Only world 1 is present.

Galacticare Debug Save Friday, July 12, 202....zip

Galacticare Bug.png

Dominik Customer Support

Hey Carnell, thank you for your input! Our team will investigate the antivirus firewall protection for our files. Hopefully, it is an easy workaround that will help our players. 

Once again thank you very much!



carnell bram
Quote from Sonia

Hi JohnuuWickuu! Thank you so much for your patience. Just letting you know that this issue should be resolved in the last patch, could you please check if it occurs for you again and let us know if any problems persist? I can see that you mentioned it getting fixed already, so if no issues happened since you contacted us last, feel free to dismiss this message! Have a great day - Sonia

Hello, I bought the game on Steam yesterday and the same problem occurred to me. Game version 1.1. First mission completed at 5 stars and the second mission did not appear. I also tried the fix with the game profile as described here in the thread. But it didn't help either. But I noticed that my ESET antivirus is set so that the firewall automatically blocked galacticare.exe from accessing the internet. I found this so that after shutting down the game, my saved games didn't even sync with STEAM. I don't know why my firewall evaluated it this way. In any case, I changed this rule to allow internet access. When I started the game, the sync window popped up and said that galacticare.exe was communicating out. Well that was it the second mission suddenly appeared in the game. I'm not saying this is the solution to the problem but it worked for me.

Sonia Customer Support
  • Fixed - Released

Hi JohnuuWickuu! Thank you so much for your patience. Just letting you know that this issue should be resolved in the last patch, could you please check if it occurs for you again and let us know if any problems persist? I can see that you mentioned it getting fixed already, so if no issues happened since you contacted us last, feel free to dismiss this message! Have a great day - Sonia

Nick Dupont
  • Fixed - Upcoming Patch
Dominik Customer Support
  • Closed
Dominik Customer Support
  • Fixed - Released

I am happy to hear that! Hopefully, that was the first and the last hiccup on your path to becoming the best doctor in the galaxy!

I wish you a lovely day!




Hi Team,

thanks for the help on this one and sorry for the late reply. I did the steps above and was able to make world 2 pop up and can continue the game now. Thanks again!

Dominik Customer Support
  • Pending Customer

Let us know if the troubleshooting steps provided by Nanorock helped with your problem!




Hi Team,

Appreciate the response here. Will try this out after my work today, and give you an update afterwards. Thanks!

[Dev] Nanorock

Hello !

We think we found the root issue and it should not happen anymore after the next patch.

In the meantime to recover your progress,

Can you edit the file C:\Users\[Your UserName]\AppData\LocalLow\Brightrock Games\Galacticare\player.profile

And find/search in there "_GalacticData"

Replace this section with : 

"_GalacticData": {
"$type": "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[[System.String, mscorlib],[System.String, mscorlib]], mscorlib",
"929b3522-dd13-4159-9cbc-2f66a6ac0136": "",
"929b3522-dd13-4159-9cbc-2f66a6ac0136_Finished": "",

To look like the following:

Image 8985

Save this file and play the game.

This should allow you to progress to Chapter 2. 

Sorry for the inconvenience !