Game does not start

  • Views 2,801
  • updated
  • Fixed - Upcoming Patch

Game does not start. Stuck on the loading screen before reaching title screen.

PlayStation 5
Playstation Store
Quote from marlene gruber

Hi Derek,

i started to think about this after your question.

I can remember that i used the normal save a lot in the beginning, realy a lot because there is no clear visible indicator (for me) when the save is done, maybe i saved even to often because of this or in too short intervalls, just to be sure. I tend to do that especially before i redesign layouts after buying more space, just in case it does not work out well. Most of the time i used this one to save and close the game also.

Later on i got used to the other option "Save and return to Menu" (i dont know the exact wording in english) because i started to loose progress and thought i might corrupt the gamefile myself because of a bad save and close behaviour. But it made no difference at this stage for me, i lost progress in different levels no matter which option i used to save, i tried around a lot with saving/closing/restarting to figure out what may cause this problem, just to prevent it. At this time i often switched between chapters and did some research for new diseases in older chapters in sandbox mode.

Then there was a patch and i was able to load the game normaly, i wanted to take a quick look trough my levels just to see if they load well and how far the progress is. I may have saved the game once to let the patch do it's magic because someone mentioned something about the size of the savefiles beeing to big or anything like that and closed the game. The next time when i started the game, some days later, i had that infinite loading screen.

I use the "Save and return to Menu" now always, when i want to close the game.

I wonder if we weren’t giving it enough time to fully save and it corrupted the file. Like maybe it’s not fully saving before going to the main menu. I’m excited for the new patch to be released to PS5 so I can hopefully get my game back. If not, I’ll probably have to take a break from it for a few months because I don’t think I can do the same levels over again haha I also took it slow my second time around and researched the illnesses fully in previous levels. 

Nick Dupont
  • Fixed - Upcoming Patch
Dominik Customer Support

Hi guys! I just received information from our team that the issue you have been experiencing will be fixed in the upcoming patch for the game. I wanted to thank you all for your patience while this was being investigated and I am hopeful that the patch will remove the issue completely. Make sure to download the new version of the game as soon as it is available!

