Chapter 8 - Nanoscopy missing

  • Views 1,686
  • updated
  • Fixed - Upcoming Patch

I've completed the main storyline and am returning to all the chapters to 5 star them.  It was going great until Chapter 8: One species' trash.  I got a patient that required nanoscopy but it's not a room that's available.

Image 8914

I did try restarting and nanoscopy is still missing.

CS Edit: Player reproduction steps for this bug: 

What I did to cause this bug:

  1. Beat all chapters 1 - 11 story mode with only 3 stars, exiting as soon as prompted.
  2. Starting with chapter 1, play through each chapter to 5 stars.
  3. When returning to chapter 8, nanoscopy was missing, even though at that point I should have it since I had completed the game.


  1. Restart story mode for chapter 8.
  2. Play through and beat story mode.
  3. When prompted, stay in game to enter sandbox and attempt 5 stars.
  4. Nanoscopy should get added as an available room.
Windows PC
Dominik Customer Support
  • Accepted

Hey Brian, thank you for reporting a bug with the missing nanoscopy. I will forward your report to our team for investigation and I will update you as soon as I hear any news.

I kindly ask for your patience!



brian mullen

I have since restarted the game several times and 5 starred other levels.  Each time I start the game I check in on Chapter 8.  The nanoscopy continues to not be available.  This isn't to say I expected it to be fixed, only that subsequent restarts and loads does not fix the the issue.

Dominik Customer Support

Thank you for the follow-up Brian! Hopefully, our team will find the root of this problem and it will be fixed in the upcoming update.



brian mullen

I restarted the story for chapter 8 and stayed in the game all the way through 5 star.  This second playthrough nanoscopy was missing until I beat the story.  Then, after beating the story and saying I wanted to stay to get 5 stars, nanoscopy was added to my rooms.  It was missing until then.

What I did to cause this bug:

  1. Beat all chapters 1 - 11 story mode with only 3 stars, exiting as soon as prompted.
  2. Starting with chapter 1, play through each chapter to 5 stars.
  3. When returning to chapter 8, nanoscopy was missing, even though at that point I should have it since I had completed the game.


  1. Restart story mode for chapter 8.
  2. Play through and beat story mode.
  3. When prompted, stay in game to enter sandbox and attempt 5 stars.
  4. Nanoscopy should get added as an available room.
Dominik Customer Support

Awesome investigation! I have edited your initial post to add the information you have provided so our team can try them themselves!



Nick Dupont
  • Fixed - Upcoming Patch
Dominik Customer Support

Hey, thank you so much for patience! I just got information that the problem will be fixed in the upcoming patch for the game so make sure to update it as soon as the patch becomes available!



brian mullen
Quote from Dominik

Hey, thank you so much for patience! I just got information that the problem will be fixed in the upcoming patch for the game so make sure to update it as soon as the patch becomes available!



Y'all are awesome.


[Dev] Nanorock

Hello ! Just a clarification on the fix = ) It's normal to be missing Nanoscopy in Chapter 8 while restarting story mode as it's introduced in Chapter 9. However when you enter Sandbox mode, you get back all the room you've unlocked.

What wasn't normal was for a patient to spawn for said room. We found a code path that could eventually allow a condition needing a non available room to spawn, and we fixed that part. So hopefully that shouldn't happen anymore on next patch. In the meantime if that happen again, you can dismiss such patient, clicking on them, in the info panel in the bottom left there is a dismiss button.