Save information missing even though it is possible to open the first level and all decorations are still there

  • Views 2,299
  • updated
  • Fixed - Released

Just a quick message to say that for no reason or update or re install I opened the game today and all my save information has gone. I can open up the first level and it has all my decorations and is a 5star hospital with everything I should have in it. But I can not see or open anything else as there is nothing there.17190861541784114589461063562095.jpg

I have attached photos so you can see I have rooms that I unlocked further into the campaign that shouldn't belong if I hadnt gone further. 

Not expecting any fixes for it just wanted you all to know so you could potentially fix it for others. Many thanks

Xbox Series X
Xbox Store
Dominik Customer Support
  • Accepted

Hey Sean, thank you for submitting a bug report. I am sorry to hear you are missing your save, I will forward your report to our team for investigation and they will see if anything can be salvaged. 

I kindly ask for your patience.



Nick Dupont
  • Fixed - Upcoming Patch
Sonia Customer Support
  • Fixed - Released

Hi Sean! Thank you so much for your patience. Just letting you know that this issue should be resolved in the last patch, could you please check if it occurs for you again and let us know if any problems persist? Have a great day! - Sonia