FPS issues - low framerate while high CPU/GPU usage
there seems to be an issue with FPS. At first I thought something is wrong with my PC only, but according to discord users Im not alone, so here we are.
In every level after a while FPS drops to around 30-40 FPS while using around 50-70% of GPU and CPU. Preset is medium for me, RTX2080, i7-8700k, 3440x1440, capped at 80 FPS (same problem while capped to 60 FPS).
You can take a look at save in ticket https://support.brightrockgames.com/communities/24/topics/8676-raitng-cannot-go-to-5-stars-in-some-cases
I dont have a screenshot right now so I will steal one from cursed on discord:
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Yeah DX12 is unstable unfortunately, which is why is it not the default.
The key issue here is that the main thread is bottlenecking everything. We're working on performance improvements at the moment