Consultant "Room for Activities" Goal Broken
Both Our Hope and Twiggy Pop's "Room for Activities" goal is bugged, with the text displaying "Spend a total of Any Species minutes in a spacious room." for Our Hope, and "Spend a total of Vizarj minutes in a spacious room." for Twiggy. I've included my debug save file. I first noticed this on Mission 4, but pushed through to Mission 5 hoping it would resolve itself. Really enjoying the game and would love to level up my favorite consultants--thanks!
The objective for Twiggy Pop's "Room for Activities", "Spend a total of 4 minutes in a spacious room" is stuck on "0 out of 4". No progress when assigning her to rooms with the "Spacious Room" buff which grants her +10% mood. Tried assigning her to cramped room too, no change.